Hospitals around the world now being filled with "fully vaccinated" sick patients as injections rapidly spread new "variants"
By ethanh // 2021-08-10
New reports out of Australia and Israel suggest that upwards of 95 percent of all new hospital admissions around the world are sick patients who got "fully vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Contrary to what the American mainstream media is claiming, the only people falling ill amid all the recent talk about the "delta variant" are those who took Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" injections for the Fauci Flu, which have injured and killed many thousands of people. "I understand that most of the patients are vaccinated, even 'severe' patients, exactly," stated Israeli Dr. Kobi Haviv to News Israel 13, debunking the lie from Tony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky that Chinese Virus injections protect against "severe" symptoms and hospitalization. "Old people, most of them are vaccinated," Dr. Haviv added, further claiming that a new "booster" shot or two may be necessary to kill the virus once and for all. Nearly all of the "severe patients" being admitted to hospitals, in fact, took their injections at "warp speed" just like the government told them to do in order to stay "safe" against infection. This proves that the jabs are completely worthless in terms of providing protection, and profoundly harmful in what they are actually doing to people's bodies. The unvaccinated, meanwhile, are healthy as can be, living their normal lives as best they can – just as they did before the plandemic was unveiled by the government back in late 2019. "We are opening more and more covid wards," Dr. Haviv added, noting that medical resources in Israel are running dangerously thin due to all of the fully vaccinated sick people who are flooding the nation's hospitals with new strains of the Chinese Disease.

Nearly every country with high vaccination rates is seeing a wave of new "infections"

Similar numbers are emerging out of Sydney, Australia, where government officials in late July announced that nearly all Chinese Virus hospitalizations are now occurring among the fully vaccinated. Almost nobody who refused the jab is getting sick, while their "safe and protected" counterparts who took the needle are developing serious disease that is gobbling up medical resources in that country as well. The same is true in Singapore, where at least 75 percent of all new Wuhan Flu cases are being detected in fully vaccinated people. As we reported, the almost fully vaccinated country of Gibraltar has seen a 2,500 percent increase in new "covid" cases among the injected over the past several months, which has prompted the government there to impose a new batch of lockdowns. In Iceland, where upwards of 90 percent of all people aged 40-70 and 98 percent of all people over 70 are fully vaccinated, a similar trend is being observed with new infections spreading like wildfire. Sometimes it is difficult to make heads or tails as to the true agenda with all this. It is clear that the so-called "vaccines" are not providing protection and are making people sick, but does this warrant new lockdowns and mask mandates? At what point does this all end, or does it? "As more and more vaccinated people become sick with the very illness they're supposed to be protected against, will the vaccine manufacturers ever be held responsible for spreading disease?" asks Adan Salazar, writing for Infowars. "The fake 'vaccine' is doing what it was designed to do," added an Infowars commenter. "That's why people who took it are hospitalized, sick and dying. The liars' response is that the vaccines are losing their strength and we need 'booster' shots. A blind man can see what is going on." The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) hysteria can be found at Sources for this article include: