Moderna and Pfizer vaccine trials RIGGED by vaccinating the control group… blatant science FRAUD exposed
By ljdevon // 2021-08-10
Many people around the world are not rushing to get vaccinated for covid-19 because they are waiting to hear more about the long-term effects of this experimental product. After all, this spike protein replication experiment is new to the field of vaccination and was rushed into existence several years before it could be thoroughly tested. How can healthcare professionals give adequate informed consent to their patients if there is no serious data on this experimental product? How can individuals make an informed decision if they are being bribed, pressured, coerced and lied to about that product? As the FDA faces intense political pressure to fully approve these products, it turns out that Moderna and Pfizer rigged the clinical trials for their vaccines by eliminating the control group and forever obfuscating the data!

Pfizer and Moderna eliminated the control group in experimental vaccine trials, violating basic scientific standards

After enrolling tens of thousands of people into clinical trials, both Moderna and Pfizer committed further acts of science fraud by vaccinating the placebo group in follow-up appointments! By vaccinating the control group, Moderna and Pfizer destroyed any prospect of obtaining long-term safety and effectiveness data for their “vaccines.” These vaccine companies violated basic scientific standards for conducting clinical trials. Every participant who was in the control group (not vaccinated), was ultimately offered the vaccines. After being pressured to take the vaccines, almost every person in the control group took the vaccines -- forever obscuring the data. These participants are still engaged in two years of follow-up research that was supposed to compare the vaccinated group to the placebo group. However, there is no longer a placebo group! Many important questions about vaccine safety and effectiveness will go unanswered because Pfizer and Moderna rigged the trials. Dr. Carlos Fierro of the Johnson County Clinical Trials in Lenexa, Kansas confirmed that every participant in the control arm was called back and told to vaccinate as soon as the FDA gave emergency use authorization for the vaccines. "During that visit we discussed the options, which included staying in the study without the vaccine," he says, "and amazingly there were people — a couple of people — who chose that." Dr. Fierro was shocked that a couple people in the control group would want to remain unvaccinated to preserve the integrity of the study. After the clinical trials were intentionally defrauded, there is NO comparison group of statistical value left to judge the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Dr. Fierro admits “it’s a loss from a scientific standpoint,” but he justified the scientific fraud, saying “it’s the right thing to do” given the circumstances.

FDA cannot grant full approval for covid vaccines because the clinical data has been permanently obscured

By eliminating the control arm, vaccine companies cannot guarantee how long protection lasts or whether the vaccines contribute to the rise of spike protein mutations and subsequent variants. A clinical trial specialist at Stanford University, Dr. Steven Goodman, said, “We don't know how long protections last.” We don't know efficacy against variants — for which we definitely need a good control arm — and we also don't know if there are any differences in any of these parameters by age or race or infirmity.” By eliminating the control arm, the vaccine industry can make the false assumption that the unvaccinated are to blame for the rise of new variants. But there’s absolutely no data to back that assertion. It’s more than likely that the mutations are a result of the large-scale vaccine campaign, which puts selective pressure on the spike protein to mutate. Right now, the FDA is under intense political pressure to grant full authorization of these vaccines, but because Moderna and Pfizer defrauded the long-term trials, the FDA cannot legally move forward with full FDA approval. This could be the reason why the Biden regime is illegally pushing vaccine mandates for federal employees and the military before full FDA authorization -- because there is no way to scientifically or legally justify authorization in the first place. There is no data to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of these shots and there is no longer any route to obtain that data from a clinical standpoint. Sources include: