GOOD NEWS! Loyola University students win battle against "mandatory" covid vaccines
By ethanh // 2021-08-11
Eleven students enrolled at the Jesuit-Catholic Loyola University in Chicago have won a legal victory against the school, which refused to honor their religious exemptions from "mandatory" Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination." Earlier in the year, Loyola decided to impose a new policy of medical fascism demanding that all students submit proof of injection to the school no later than Friday, Aug. 6. Students who failed to do so were told that they would not be allowed to enroll in classes this fall or ever again access any buildings on campus. Following the guidance offered by the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Holy See through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Loyola determined that its Roman Catholic persuasion is fully congruent with a mandate requiring all students to take Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" shots. "Loyola University Chicago's immunization / vaccination requirement is informed by our Jesuit, Catholic commitment to the common good, solidarity, and justice," the school announced. "Given the serious nature of the pandemic and the safety, efficacy, and availability of the COVID-19 vaccines, we are rightly called to make reasonable efforts to protect one another through vaccination. Those who are immunized prevent disease not only in themselves but also protect the vulnerable among us by preventing disease from spreading to pregnant women, infants, children, the elderly, and others who may be compromised by illness or social circumstance." Most Loyola students have apparently complied, save for 11 who submitted lawful religious exemptions citing questionable contents in the vials, including ingredients made from aborted human fetal tissue. Since the Roman Catholic religion is against abortion and the state of Illinois honors religious exemptions from forced vaccination, this should have been enough. Loyola's administration, however, denied all of the written requests "with curt and ambiguous denials even though their statements were more than sufficient under applicable law and under Loyola's nondiscrimination policy," reads a release from Liberty Counsel, which represented the 11 students in a lawsuit.

Ten more Loyola students joined the initial 11 to refuse Chinese Virus jabs

Illinois' Health Care Right of Conscience Act provides strong protection for residents with religious beliefs that oppose vaccination to just say no to injectable drugs. The 11 Loyola students who exercised it were fully in their right to do so, and the school has an obligation to honor their requests. When Loyola refused, the students sued and won, which then prompted 10 more students to contact Liberty Counsel after their exemptions were denied. Those 10 additional cases are currently under review. "Loyola University needs to drop its unlawful mandate immediately," says Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver. "Forcing any person to receive one of these COVID injections authorized for emergency use by the FDA is a violation of both state and federal law." Loyola is hardly the only school in the country to adopt medical fascism as a matter of policy. Thanks to Joe Biden's continued assault on the freedom to choose, many schools, large corporations and government agencies are attempting to force their students and employees to get the jab at "warp speed" or else face consequences. "This medication does not prevent contracting Covid-19 and is therefore useless in preventing the spread of the disease," wrote one commenter at Yahoo News. "The CDC Head stated that the vaccines are not stopping transmission of the COVID and break though COVID has been happening to people that have had vaccines, so they are not working," added another. To keep up with the latest news about Operation Warp Speed and the push to mass inject everyone for the Chinese Virus, be sure to visit Sources for this article include: