“Don’t get the vaccine? You can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine? Can’t come here, no shirt, no shoes, no service."My proof comes right from the horse's mouth, or in this case, the Ass's mouth. https://youtu.be/EhlGC4EZ4Is That type of tyrannical thinking is expected from a talk show host on CNN, an eerily similar argument was made by frequent guest at Fox News, Geraldo Rivera (a wolf in sheep's clothing), who made the following argument, which was widely reported by liberal media outlets.
"If you are unvaccinated then you should at least get tested every week, on your own or understand why you are banned from the VA, why you are banned from restaurants, why you are banned from other businesses and colleges increasingly, and they should be. Because it’s selfish. If you are unvaccinated and you are going around without being tested, you are an arrogant, selfish SOB."Personal choice means nothing to these "arrogant, selfish SOB's" like Lemon and Rivera. Before moving along, I would like to reiterate that if fully vaccinated, and they believe the vaccinations truly work, then why concern themselves with other peoples' medical decisions? Same goes for the mask mandates. THE UNVACCINATED REFUSED SERVICE Advanced preppers generally have a good supply of goods, and many have also prepared to barter items they have or others that they need, but regular prepping isn't going to cut it, because we are not talking some disaster or catastrophe, but rather a world where half a nation can get anything they want and the other half.... can't. Barring thievery there is going to have to be some type of system in place, for just those being refused service by business establishments. For those that scream "fear porn," let me remind you it is was Independent Media that warned about the pandemic and predicted their would be shortages. There were. It was Independent Media that warned of lockdowns and "medical martial law." That happened as well. In fact, every time Independent Media warned of what was coming, the media first called us "conspiracy theorists," and liberals ran around screeching about fear porn, right before it all cam to pass. So, if you are a liberal visiting this website for some inexplicable reason, and are thinking "fear porn," there is a little X in the corner of your web browser. Click it. The question now becomes where to get goods when cities and states start demanding that businesses refuse service to those that have chosen not to be experimented on with a vaccine that has not even had two years of testing? As we saw with the last round of lockdowns, some businesses with flip off the state and stay open despite governor or mayoral decrees, but those business owners had to fight to survive, some fined, threatened, and even jailed. Some businesses do not want to lose half their business with mask mandate or proof of vaccine "show us your papers" policy, but their states and/or cities are in discussions, or in NYC's case already implementing, said policies, which puts them in a bind of obeying or being fined and/or shut down. Florida and Texas are two states where the governors have banned vaccine passports and vaccine and mask mandates, but it isn't like we can all pack up and move there, so we need alternatives. WHERE DO WE GET OUR GOODS WHEN REFUSED SERVICE? Note - We are not making recommendations or suggestions, but rather sharing our prediction and vision of what is going to start happening. It is likely that we are going to see an increase in black market sales, and "underground economy" businesses which are not registered with the state and set up with their own security measures to prevent the government from starving people into submission.
A black market, underground economy or shadow economy, is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behavior with an institutional set of rules. If the rule defines the set of goods and services whose production and distribution is prohibited by law, non-compliance with the rule constitutes a black market trade since the transaction itself is illegal. Parties engaging in the production or distribution of prohibited goods and services are members of the illegal economy....Regular businesses that do not agree with the "show me your papers" policies, will end up selling goods outside of their establishments, and off their store properties and since the sales aren't part of the legal business, there goes the tax revenue for the state that business is in. This is what happens when a prohibition on goods is implemented, even if just for a certain segment of the population. BOTTOM LINE Forget prepping for disaster, the Biden regime along with their puppets in the media, and liberal state leaders, are creating a situation where we need to prepare for the post-pandemic tyranny we are watching happen right now. https://youtu.be/XktK8JKT7Ng https://youtu.be/A7vpcGVnPg0 Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
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