Biden blasted by members of his own party for disorganized, disastrous, ill-planned pull-out of Afghanistan, leaving thousands of Americans in the lurch
By jdheyes // 2021-08-23
Whoever is in charge of Joe Biden's White House should be brought up on charges for the way in which they ordered U.S. military and diplomatic forces out of Afghanistan last week. Because whoever it was is stupid or incompetent -- either is just as bad. As American military choppers shuttled diplomats out of the U.S. embassy and to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, U.S. military forces were drawing down as well, but someone forgot to factor in how to get thousands of Americans trapped in the city past Taliban-established cordons. As of this writing, most of those Americans are still trapped, and the Biden regime can't even guarantee that it can get all Americans out ahead of the August 31 deadline. This means, of course, that we're looking at a potential hostage situation, and all of that would be on Joe Biden. And he appears to be relying on the Taliban -- a terrorist organization -- to 'do the right thing.' "Look, the Taliban has to make a fundamental decision. Is the Taliban going to attempt to be able to unite and provide for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan, which no group has ever done, since hundreds of years?" he said during an address on Sunday. Fox News continued: The U.S. evacuated "approximately 11,000 people out of Kabul in less than 36 hours," the president said. In total, American forces have evacuated 33,000 persons since July, he added. "Our first priority in Kabul is getting American citizens out of the country as quickly and as safely as possible," Biden said. He noted that American troops are contacting U.S. citizens in the country by phone, by email, and by others means to ascertain whether or not they intend to flee before the August 31 deadline.  "Any American who wants to get home will get home," Biden pledged. But will they? Even members of his own party don't think so. “I am bewildered and frustrated and, privately talking to a lot of House Democrats, they feel the same thing,” one House member who spoke on condition of anonymity told The Hill, regarding the disastrous way Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in the first place -- without getting Americans and Afghan allies out first. “The scenes are just brutal and there is no excuse for just how badly State or the Defense Department or both completely bungled the evacuations and getting folks out. Someone was really asleep at the switch,” the lawmaker said. “I do want to know who was responsible. Where was the ball dropped? Because that person needs to be held accountable. At least one person, or a group of people, screwed up so bad that it’s fireable,” the Democratic lawmaker added. Other Democrats publicly lent their voices to being angered and frustrated by what transpired, including Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, who called the situation a “disaster” in a press release. “To say that today is anything short of a disaster would be dishonest. Worse, it was avoidable,” he said. “The time to debate whether we stay in Afghanistan has passed, but there is still time to debate how we manage our retreat,” Moulton continued. “For months, I have been calling on the Administration to evacuate our allies immediately—not to wait for paperwork, for shaky agreements with third countries, or for time to make it look more ‘orderly,’” he said last week. “While I am proud that a strong, bipartisan majority in Congress voted to expand the Special Immigrant Visa program in support of our Afghan friends, my worst fear has been realized: That ultimately this effort would distract from what is truly needed, an immediate evacuation,” he continued. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and Democrat New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez also expressed his angst but tried to pin some of the blame on former President Trump, who's been out of office now going on seven months. “The wholly inadequate agreement the Trump administration made with the Taliban did not get commitments for the Taliban to break ties with Al Qaeda, nor did it account for the day after our withdrawal,” he said. “In implementing this flawed plan, I am disappointed that the Biden administration clearly did not accurately assess the implications of a rapid U.S. withdrawal. We are now witnessing the horrifying results of many years of policy and intelligence failures,” Menendez added. Sources include: