15 Everyday items you can use for survival
By divinaramirez // 2021-08-25
You don't need a long shopping list of state-of-the-art tactical and camping gear to be prepared for disasters or survival scenarios. In fact, various survival essentials can be found readily in nearly every home in the country, including yours. Here are some of them: (h/t to ModernSurvivalOnline.com)
  1. Canned foods – Canned foods are staples in survival stockpiles because they are compact, inexpensive and last significantly longer than fresh foods. They can also keep you fed and nourished in a pinch. Chances are, you already have a few canned foods lying around in your pantry or cupboard.
  2. Coffee filters – The gauze-like material that coffee filters are made of is great for filtering water during emergencies. Alternatively, you can also use teabag sachets as water filters.
  3. Water bottle – You can survive for weeks without food but only a few days without water. As such, any decent prepper knows to include clean, drinking water in their stockpile. However, you don't have to invest in big rain barrels or containers. Bottles and tumblers filled with water will go a long way if SHTF.
  4. Dental floss – Dental floss is a must-have for proper oral hygiene. In a pinch, you can even use it to set up snares and tripwires. It can also double as cordage in situations that call for knots or lashings.
  5. First-aid kit – Even non-preppers have first-aid kits in their homes for minor injuries. In an SHTF event, a first-aid kit will be extremely valuable since you likely won't have easy access to emergency medical services.
  6. Duct tape – Duct tape is one of the most versatile tools that preppers could have in any disaster or emergency situation. It's great for building and repairing, as well as administering first aid in some cases. Even non-preppers would have a roll or two of duct tape in a junk drawer.
  7. Bleach – Bleach is typically used to get rid of stains on white clothes. But it could also save you during a survival scenario. For instance, you can use it to sterilize surfaces, tools and even your skin. Bleach can also be used for the emergency disinfection of water for drinking.
  8. Flashlight – Power will be one of the first utilities to go out when SHTF. In case of a power outage, flashlights and lanterns will be very handy. Any will do as long as it works and you have extra batteries to keep it working.
  9. Paint bucket – A clean paint bucket can be used as an emergency toilet in case of a water shortage. You can also use it to carry tools and hold water. (Related: Safe water storage methods for home emergencies.)
  10. Freezer bags – Heavy-duty plastic freezer bags are multi-purpose items you likely already have in your home. In a survival situation, you can use them to store food, keep documents and other sensitive supplies dry and even carry water.
  11. Hand sanitizer – Maintaining good hygiene when disaster strikes is the best way to avoid diseases and infections that could affect your chances of survival. But in an SHTF scenario, you won't always have access to water and soap to wash with. This is where hand sanitizers come in. Hand sanitizers require no water and are inexpensive and portable. You likely already have one in your purse or backpack.
  12. Plastic sheeting – Plastic sheeting is often used in construction, but it is also used inside the home when something needs to be protected from dirt or damage, such as floors, walls and furniture. It can be used to insulate doors and windows as well in case of a power outage.
  13. Backpack – Everyone owns at least one kind of backpack. You can use yours as a bugout bag (BOB) for storing food, water and other essential survival supplies so that you can easily evacuate when the situation calls for it.
  14. Superglue – Nearly every household has superglue for doing minor repairs. Superglue's strength and quick-drying ability make it an ideal survival tool since you can use it to easily fix equipment, footwear, leaky tarps and more.
  15. Axe – In a survival situation, you can use an axe to chop firewood or to hack branches and vegetation for use as kindling. Most people already have an axe in their garage for cutting down branches or chopping wood for use in the winter.
Visit Survival.news to learn more about stocking up on survival supplies before SHTF. Sources include: ModernSurvivalOnline.com EPA.gov