Now it makes sense: Biden wanted out of Afghanistan so his Chinese masters could take control of lithium deposits ahead of electric car push
By jdheyes // 2021-08-25
As president, Donald Trump literally made the United States energy independent for the first time since the 1960s, and no matter how you feel about the use of fossil fuels for energy, you have to admit that for now, they are more practical, less expensive, and far more widespread than any other form of energy. But one of the best things about being energy independent that rarely gets mentioned in green circles is the fact that having to rely on no one else for our power -- including potential enemies -- is a huge national security plus, and it's a goal every president should strive for. When we became self-sufficient in oil and gas, the U.S. no longer needed supplies from the volatile Middle East, where we have been fighting brushfire wars for decades, or from potential and actual enemies like Russia and Iran. That said, literally the first thing Joe Biden did when he took office was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project Trump green-lighted, which would have made us even more energy independent in that the supply would have come from Canada, our neighbor and ally. Biden then canceled new oil and gas exploration on federal lands and is making it infinitely more difficult for companies to build new power plants to feed our increasingly voracious energy appetite. In its place, Biden and the Marxists propping him up are pushing through 'green' energy mandates long before our country is ready for them simply because we don't have the infrastructure to support them -- priorities like all-electric vehicles and solar power. These technologies still require the mining of natural resources, and that will still take place thereby negating any so-called benefits from 'green energy' policies. It's just that the exploration and mining won't take place in America, thus making green energy fanatics feel better about themselves since tearing up the earth will take place out of sight and, thus, out of mind. But where? Where will America now get these raw materials to make the green energy products like the lithium-powered batteries that go into electric vehicles? Does the country of Afghanistan ring a bell? Yes, that's the place we're now pulling out of after 20 years of spilling blood and spending a trillion dollars. Afghanistan has some of the world's largest lithium deposits if not the biggest, and now the country that owns the Bidens -- China -- is moving in to take control over those resources so Beijing will retain veto power over future American economic and power growth, as if China didn't already have control over much of our power grid. According to a new report in The immediate consequences of U.S. President Joe Biden’s botched exit from Afghanistan may be just political but its economic impact will ripple across several advanced industries in the years to come. Biden may have just gifted China an opportunity to grab Afghanistan’s considerable reserves of rare earth metals, including the world’s largest lithium deposits, and cement its domination of the market for these crucial minerals. Director of emerging market debt at asset management firm AllianceBernstein, Shamaila Khan told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” that minerals in Afghanistan “can be exploited,” and with the Taliban now in control of those valuable resources, it is a “very dangerous proposition for the world.” Khan added that at this point, the international community should watch China closely if it seeks to become allies with the Taliban after the militant group captured Kabul on Sunday. "Afghanistan has large reserves of lithium, neodymium, silver, gold, mercury, and other valuable elements, said Ahmad Shah Katawazai, a former diplomat at the Afghan Embassy in Washington D.C.," the report continued. "He said rare earths in the country were estimated to be valued between $1 trillion and $3 trillion last year. An internal Department of Defense memo in 2010 called Afghanistan 'the Saudi Arabia of lithium.'" So our government -- and Biden (remember, he was VP in 2010 and some of the same people who worked with him and Obama then work for him now) -- knew Afghanistan was rich in the very element we will need to power our future. And we'll have to pay China to get it. Had enough of this abuse yet by these deep state globalists who run our government? Sources include: