Treasonous Pentagon announces vaccine mandate for all US troops is now in effect, despite warnings of catastrophic consequences to national security
By jdheyes // 2021-08-25
Despite the number of studies that indicate COVID-19 vaccines are a distinct health threat to younger people as well as a warning that forcing America's military personnel to take the jab is a massive national security risk, the Biden Defense Department is ordering all uniformed personnel and military contractors to take it anyway. “I will seek the president’s approval to make the vaccines mandatory no later than mid-September, or immediately upon” licensure by the Food and Drug Administration, “whichever comes first,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a memo to all military personnel this month, in warning all of them them to prepare for the requirement. “I will not hesitate to act sooner or recommend a different course to the President if l feel the need to do so,” he added. What's more, enlisted personnel and officers don't have any choice: They must take the vaccine because the Pentagon isn't asking them to, it's ordering them to. "We have every expectation that once the vaccines are made mandatory the troops are going to do the right thing," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters at a Pentagon news conference earlier this month. "But, without speaking to the future, it’s treated, certainly, like any lawful order, and there could be administrative and disciplinary repercussions for failing to obey that order." "Commanders have a range of tools, short of using the UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] available to them to try to help individuals make the right decisions," Kirby added. The order comes amid the Food and Drug Administration's approval of the vaccines -- in record time, by the way, given that vaccine approval generally takes at least five years and sometimes longer (recall that the COVID jabs were all experimental and approved under an emergency order). But since the government has been pushing and pushing Americans to get the vaccine (or else live life as a second-class citizen), the approval came...way early. Full approval is "more psychological than anything else,” Dr. Paul Offit, a voting member of the agency’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, said. "I mean you already have more than 320MM doses administered. The vaccines already have an enormous safety and efficacy profile." "The FDA will do what it thinks it needs to do to make sure that the American public is safe," he said. But earlier this month, Navy CDR. J.H. Furman warned that mass inoculation of U.S. military personnel is liable to turn into a catastrophe if there is mass negative reaction to the vaccine, such as inflammation of the heart muscle, known as myocarditis, which is caused by at least one of the vaccines. “The forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications,” writes Furman, according to “Further study is needed before committing the Total Force to one irreversible experimental group. Initial reports leave more concern for the COVID-19 vaccinations than the virus itself for the (at present) exceptionally healthy military population.” “There is reason to believe severe or even fatal side-effects from existing COVID-19 vaccines are more common than reported, and could even prove deadlier to otherwise-healthy servicemen than COVID-19,” Revolver News went on to report, citing available research indicating that young people suffer from outsized negative COVID vaccine reactions. Furman also added that the incidents of COVID-19 among the 2.2 million U.S. military personnel is minuscule; only 24 out of 2.2 million U.S. military personnel have died because of the virus, which is less than 1 per 91,000 members. There is no good reason to force our troops to take these vaccines and potentially harm tens or even hundreds of thousands of them, thereby creating a massive national security crisis. Sources include: