Bishop Benjamin: "Something evil" behind recent events in America - Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-09-03
Bishop Leon Benjamin of the New Life Harvest Church said something evil is behind the recent events in America. During the Aug. 30 edition of his program B-Alert News on Brighteon TV, he claimed that a diabolical force played a role in the widespread fraud in the 2020 elections and the haphazard U.S. departure from Afghanistan. Benjamin's guest, businessman Patrick Byrne, also shared his thoughts on the matter. The senior pastor of the Richmond, Virginia-based church opened his show by acknowledging the fact that America is indeed in trouble. "We are in trouble, America is in trouble [and] our foreign allies are in trouble," Benjamin said. He then turned to Byrne and asked the businessman about his opinion on America's national security. Byrne replied: "I don't [want to] be an alarmist, but I do think that we are in trouble." He then quoted former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who said "great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; weak minds discuss people." Byrne added that the national conversation got fixated on one person for the longest time – former President Donald Trump – that people forgot about ideas. Benjamin then said America needs a "reality check" about recent events such as massive vote fraud in the 2020 elections and the Afghanistan situation. He said: "We are relying upon incompetence. [However,] I think a diabolical, intensely motivated plan to take down the Constitution and value systems ... is in place, and [the country's] Judeo-Christian roots are under threat." According to the bishop, no one is recognizing that the events are not about incompetence but "a diabolical, strategic agenda" against Americans. The bishop added that the enemy "does not want us to get on a track of truth," throwing all types of things to prevent people from seeing reality. Benjamin said: "The ultimate enemy is not man, [but] Satan. Man is made in God's image and likeness, and God isn't going around killing people. Satan inserts his deceit and lies into people, and many [unfortunately] submit."

We are ruled by people with a mindset of "what could possibly go wrong?"

Byrne meanwhile referenced economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell and the ideas in his book "A Conflict of Visions." Sowell noted in his work that political struggles come from two different ideologies about how the world works – the titular conflict. Byrne continued that in the end, these do not get any resolution as the fundamental arguments come from two different sets of visions. He gave examples of these conflicting visions, specifically those from the common people who become wiser over time and the "think tank" types who rely on pure academic theory. Byrne lamented that the latter types of people, who were rich in ideas without any grounding in reality, were in power. He compared them to The Boss from the Dilbert comic strip, with their prevalent mentality of "what could possibly go wrong?" Byrne shared that people from the military were saying the "mistake in Afghanistan" was so bad that it looked more like something planned instead of an accident. He added that many military people found it hard to believe President Joe Biden made the terrible blunder in the country.  (Related: Majority of Americans do not believe Biden is competent, most also opposed to his handling of Afghanistan fiasco.) Furthermore, Byrne remarked that the Biden administration's insistent denial only made things worse. He asked: "What can we say to these families [whose members died in the Afghanistan conflict] if we have a government that's in denial?" Benjamin then put down a question: "Do you really think we needed this thing to happen in Afghanistan? Was it accidental or something diabolical, a plot to bring more confusion?" Byrne replied that Biden's blunder was similar to a soccer player kicking the ball in their own goal. The entrepreneur admitted that he feels sorry for Biden, but wondered if the president was confused or bought off. Byrne ultimately said someone is trying to overwhelm the U.S. by means of the Afghanistan issue, pointing his finger to either communist China or the globalist elites. He also acknowledged the fact that America is indeed "taken to a great reset." However, Byrne left this question: "Do we emerge as America having fixed our problems, or do we emerge as a vassal state of [China?]" has more articles about the diabolical plan to destroy America from within. Sources include: