Grotesque hypocrisy: Kamala Harris supports murdering babies in the womb, demands everyone be vaccinated because Bible says so
By jdheyes // 2021-09-03
There are few people more hypocritical than COVID-19 vaccine authoritarians who also support abortion on demand, especially when the person happens to be the Vice President of the United States. Kamala Harris has been all-in for Americans to get vaccinated after she and Joe Biden 'won' the White House last November. Of course, now that she's in charge, it's different: When President Donald Trump was touting the vaccines as a major accomplishment of his administration, having had them developed in record time, there was Harris telling Americans not to take one just because Trump was touting them. "If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it," Harris said during her only debate with the real Vice President, Mike Pence. Pence, meanwhile, responded that Harris should "stop playing politics with people's lives" and accused Harris of "undermining" a vaccine. He was absolutely right; and the vaccine has been politicized, mostly by Democrats, ever since, just like the pandemic itself. But again, that was then; now that Harris is in power, she is demanding that Americans take the jab, and she's now utilizing the most absurd reasoning to do so: the Bible say so. The Western Journal notes: It’s always laughable when Democrats start thumping their (probably borrowed) Bibles to preach to Christians, but it’s downright absurd coming from the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris. The abortion-supporting politician has been attempting to evangelize the reluctant faithful into taking the hastily developed, novel COVID-19 vaccine by telling them it’s a way to follow the biblical edict to “love thy neighbor.” Harris has now utilized the 'rationale' several times, including in June when the Biden regime was still trying to get 70 percent of Americans vaccinated by July 4 -- a goal that wasn't met. “You know, a couple weeks ago, I was down in Atlanta at Ebenezer Baptist Church. And it was good to be back there,” she told a crowd on July 12. “And the church — of course, you all know this is the church where Dr. King preached until the day he died,” Harris went on. “And today, it is a place of worship. But as most places of worship, also a place of healing; it is a vaccination site,” she said, trying to equate taking a COVID jab as akin to a religious sacrament. “Then and now, a place of healing. “And when I was there, I talked with a bunch of folks and, in particular, I met with a bunch of folks who had just been vaccinated and the health care workers who administered the vaccines. And I said then what I will repeat today: I do believe that the act of getting vaccinated is the very essence — the very essence — of what the Bible tells us when it says, ‘love thy neighbor.’ Right?” she asked the doting crowd of minions. What a joke. "Democrats often turn to the Bible when they’re desperate — not in the sincere way of believers seeking solace in God’s word, but as an attempt to appropriate the language of Christians to garner their political support," the Western Journal's Christine Favocci wrote. Only, this is Kamala Harris the California Democrat: She doesn't believe in anything but herself and power. Oh, and abortion. "As recently as 2019," when Harris was still a U.S. senator, Favocci notes, she "voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that would require doctors to give medical care to infants born alive after a botched abortion (truly a barbaric world when a procedure is deemed a failure when a baby survives it)." There's more to this hypocrisy. Like all abortion advocates, we are told it's a "choice" -- 'a woman's body, a woman's choice.' But suddenly, Americans don't have a "choice" when it comes to the COVID vaccine; we're to take it and shut up if we want our 'normal' lives back. Why is that? Sources include: