UNTOUCHABLE TRANNIES: LGBT exempt from Australia's covid lockdown tyranny while cis-gendered must obey
By ethanh // 2021-09-03
As Australians suffer under the heavy boot of another government-imposed total lockdown, the Mount Druitt Police Area Command in Sydney held a "Wear It Purple Day" pride event in celebration of the Cult of LGBT. Circulating photos show law enforcement officials densely packed inside a building in direct violation of their own orders not to congregate. They ate cake and cupcakes and partied it up while the people were confined to their homes under threat of punishment. The "superspreader" event caught the attention of the independent media, which pointed out the blatant hypocrisy of police officers and their administrative staff violating their own rules to celebrate homosexuality and transgenderism. "Mt. Druitt is located in the City of Blacktown LGA – an area with one of the highest rates of Covid cases since Sydney's second wave delta outbreak began in mid-June," reported the Daily Mail. While emergency services are technically exempt from the lockdown rules that prevent large gatherings, this exemption is intended for work-related purposes, not a celebration of sexual deviancy. "Happy Wear It Purple Day," the department proudly posted to its Facebook page. "Follow your rainbow and start the conversation," it ironically added in contrast to government orders telling people not to "engage in conversation with each other," even while wearing a mask. Hilariously, Dr. Kerry Chant, the chief health officer of New South Wales (NSW) and the person who wrote the Facebook message, had just previously given a speech telling Australians to avoid close contact in offices, which is exactly what the "Wear It Purple Day" crowd was doing with its LGBT celebration. "Make sure you are not sharing the tea room, you are wearing masks, you have four-metre density and make sure you do not attend when you have symptoms," Chant hypocritically told the public.

Celebrating gayness comes with extra privileges that nobody else gets

Aussie grandparents were even told to avoid seeing their own children and grandchildren this time under any circumstances – unless, of course, they work for the local police department and want to celebrate gay pride. "Maybe if they all just agreed to meet under the auspices of celebrating 'LGBT,' which is apparently more important than stopping a pandemic, then it would be OK," joked Summit.news about this ridiculous display of hypocrisy. Now that word has gotten out about the event, the NSW police force is trying to save face by claiming that it is conducting an "internal review" to determine if there were "any breaches of Public Health Orders" at the Wear It Purple Day event. In Sydney, the rules for non-LGBT celebrators just so happens to be extra strict compared to those in other parts of Australia. "Fully vaccinated" people are allowed extra "freedom" in Sydney, which includes being able to "leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour." Perhaps everyone in the Sydney area needs to self-identify as something on the rainbow "spectrum" and hold a "coming out" ceremony at the local police station. Then they can gather freely without restrictions, apparently. "We already learned during the BurnLootMurder (BLM) rioting that the virus is woke, so this is no surprise," joked one commenter at Summit.news. "Apparently unnatural exchanges of bodily fluids are not risky behavior for virus transmission either ... as long as you keep your mask on during whatever grotesque sex act you engage in." Others noted that at one time in history they would have wanted to visit, or even live, in Australia – but no longer now that the country has succumbed to total medical fascism with special exemptions for the Cult of LGBT. The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: Summit.news NaturalNews.com