Missouri's attorney general sues school districts for trying to force students to wear masks
By ethanh // 2021-09-05
To stop public school districts from continuing to tyrannize students, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt has filed a lawsuit to stop all mask mandates. According to the suit, children are losing their facial expressions because of the masks, as well as their ability to read facial cues from their peers and teachers. If this goes on for too much longer, children will lose their entire identities, which Schmitt is hoping to prevent. "There have been no deaths under the age of 10," Schmitt says. "There have been five under the age of 18. Of the hospitalizations, one in 200,000 is a kid related to Covid-19." "You balance that with what we know as a growing body of evidence of potential psychological and emotional issues that kids suffer from having to wear a mask all day long and some of the learning difficulties." In an announcement on Twitter, Schmitt emphasized that families should be making these types of important medical decisions, not government bureaucrats with an axe to grind. Columbia Public Schools is the main district being sued by the state, but Schmitt says that there are multiple defendants in the "reverse class action." The Missouri legislature back in the spring passed new rules to limit public health orders, but some school districts have taken it upon themselves to violate them. "If our class is certified, the ruling will bind other public school districts that have mask mandates," announced spokesman Chris Nuelle. "So essentially, we filed the reverse class action against all public school districts in the state that have mask mandates."

Biden regime condemns Schmitt for trying to free Missouri schoolchildren from mask tyranny

The filing states that some 50 school districts across Missouri are trying to impose mask mandates, including St. Louis Public Schools and every district in St. Louis County. "I am committed to fighting back against this kind of government overreach," Schmitt indicated in a statement. "Americans are free people, not subjects." The offending school districts, on the other hand, believe otherwise. Columbia Public Schools, for instance, wrote on its website that forcing children to wear masks for eight hours a day or more is "one mitigation strategy that will provide an additional layer of protection to keep all students and staff safe and in school." "We know not everyone will agree with this decision," the district went on to admit. "We have listened closely and intentionally to many voices and opinions. This decision is not a forever decision, but it is a decision that is currently necessary." A spokeswoman from Columbia Public Schools whined that she is "extremely disappointed" in Schmitt's lawsuit, as she personally believes that medical fascism is a great way to keep everyone "safe" against the Chinese Virus. (RELATED: Science has shown that masks are killing children.) "Numerous school districts across Missouri and across our country made the same safety decision based on what is needed in their communities during this period of time," Michelle Baumstark complained. "The decisions made are based on guidance and recommendations from local, state and national health experts, including the CDC." The Biden White House was also critical of Schmitt's lawsuit, calling it "completely unacceptable." The Pedophile-in-Chief along with his cabinet believe that children should remain fully muzzled at all times in order to "stop the spread." "We've seen, including recently I think today or yesterday in Missouri, additional steps taken that in our view put more kids at risk," whined White House press secretary Jen Psaki during a recent briefing. "The president thinks that's completely unacceptable." The latest news stories about Chinese Virus face covering tyranny can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: CitizenFreePress.com Archive.is NaturalNews.com