A NEW "MEDICAL HITLER" - Biden declares himself medical DICTATOR, threatens to nullify states' rights and coerce the entire population into taking deadly vaccine jabs against their will
Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler's playbook,
fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states' rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental "vaccines" that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life.
We should be celebrating this moment of clarity, for Biden's audacious actions have just turned half of America into a powerful new vaccine resistance movement. As the following map shows, state leaders in about half the states have openly declared their resistance against Biden's authoritarian power grab. Many states have announced their intent to file lawsuits, and Texas Governor Abbott has already issued an executive order protecting medical choice for Texans.

All the following states have announced their intent to sue the Biden regime over these vaccine mandates:
Alaska, West Virginia, Kansas, Ohio, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Arizona
Joe Biden just declared war on 80 million Americans and threatened to REMOVE governors from power... this is treason!
As part of his dictatorial decree, fake president Joe Biden declared that he would remove governors from power if they don't comply with his vaccine mandates. This is, of course, an act of treason and
war against the United States of America, and it opens the window for the white hats in the US military to
remove Biden from office and declare his "rule" to be an unconstitutional occupation.
From Biden: "If they’ll not help — if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as President to get them out of the way."
Of course, "get them out of the way" means Biden plans to try to arrest and remove the governors, then rule of America as a dictatorial tyrant. In essence, Biden just
initiated the civil war in America and proved why he must be removed from power (and why Democrats in general can never be trusted with any political power whatsoever).
Governors, state legislators, AGs and other officials pushed back hard. Check out these statements from state officials, courtesy of
The New American:
- Tate Reeves, Mississippi: “The President has no authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business. The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying. This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants.”
- Brian Kemp, Georgia: “I will pursue every legal option available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly unlawful overreach by the Biden administration.”
- Kristi Noem, South Dakota: “My legal team is standing by ready to file our lawsuit the minute @joebiden files his unconstitutional rule. This gross example of federal intrusion will not stand.”
- Henry McMaster, South Carolina: “The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.”
- Doug Ducey, Arizona: “This is exactly the kind of big government overreach we have tried so hard to prevent in Arizona — now the Biden-Harris administration is hammering down on private businesses and individual freedoms in an unprecedented and dangerous way. This will never stand up in court. This dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many kids kept out of classrooms? How many businesses fined? The vaccine is and should be a choice. We must and will push back.”
- Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas: “I fully support continued efforts to increase vaccination rates across our nation, but the federal government mandates on private businesses are not the right answer. I have been consistent in the freedom of businesses to require their employees to be vaccinated, and I have opposed the government from saying businesses cannot exercise that freedom. The same principle should protect private sector from government overreach that requires them to vaccinate all employees.”
- Kim Reynolds, Iowa: “President Biden is taking dangerous and unprecedented steps to insert the federal government even further into our lives while dismissing the ability of Iowans and Americans to make healthcare decisions for themselves. Biden’s plan will only worsen our workforce shortage and further limit our economic recovery. As I’ve said all along, I believe and trust in Iowans to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. It’s time for President Biden to do the same. Enough.”
- Greg Gianforte, Montana: “President Biden’s vaccination mandate is unlawful and un-American. We are committed to protecting Montanans’ freedoms and liberties against this gross federal overreach.”
- Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma: “It is not the government’s role to dictate to private businesses what to do. Once again President Biden is demonstrating his complete disregard for individual freedoms and states’ rights. As long as I am governor, there will be no government vaccine mandates in Oklahoma. My administration will continue to defend Oklahoma values and fight back against the Biden administration’s federal overreach.”
Kay Ivey, Alabama: “Once again, President Biden has missed the mark. His outrageous, overreaching mandates will no doubt be challenged in the courts. Placing more burdens on both employers and employees during a pandemic with the rising inflation rates and lingering labor shortages is totally unacceptable. Alabamians have stepped up by rolling up their sleeves to get the covid-19 vaccine, increasing our doses administered significantly in recent weeks. We have done so without mandates from Washington D.C. or Montgomery. I’ve made it abundantly clear: I support the science and encourage folks taking the vaccine. However, I am absolutely against a government mandate on the vaccine, which is why I signed the vaccine passport ban into law here in Alabama. This is not the role of the government. I continue encouraging any Alabamian who can, to get the covid-19 vaccine. We have a safe and effective tool at our fingertips, so, let’s roll up our sleeves and get this thing beat.”
- Greg Abbott, Texas: “Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. I issued an Executive Order protecting Texans’ right to choose whether they get the COVID vaccine & added it to the special session agenda. Texas is already working to halt this power grab.”
- Mike Parsons, Missouri: “The Biden Administration’s recent announcement seeking to dictate personal freedom and private business decisions is an insult to our American principles of individual liberty and free enterprise. This heavy-handed action by the federal government is unwelcome in our state and has potentially dangerous consequences for working families. Vaccination protects us from serious illness, but the decision to get vaccinated is a private health care decision that should remain as such. My administration will always fight back against federal power grabs and government overreach that threatens to limit our freedoms.”
Joe Biden just formed a "fascist pharma corporate state" that's targeting humanity for extermination
Connor Mortell from Mises.org correctly states in response to all this, fake president Biden has just declared a "fascist pharma corporate state" that he hopes will rule over America:
Never in my lifetime has something occurred that was so egregiously opposed to Misesian concepts of liberalism and freedom. In fact, this is directly in line with perhaps the most opposite ideology to liberalism: fascism. Benito Mussolini said himself that “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” In today’s political discourse, people abuse the word fascism and sometimes even cite this definition of corporatism while stretching it somewhat from the truth. However, the state requiring that businesses require the vaccine from one of three large corporations that were propped up by the state is undoubtedly the merger of state and corporate power that Mussolini dreamed of.
Jordan Schachtel
writes on Substack.com that, "The Biden Admin is losing its unwinnable War On COVID, so they're scapegoating 'unvaccinated' Americans:"
On Thursday, our newfound Dear Leader, Joe Biden, gave one of the most tyrannical speeches in American history. For 30 minutes, he declared that the federal government would be imposing one totalitarian action after another, entirely dismissing our Constitutional system in the process of announcing his edicts.
I sense a panicked regime, very unsure of its legitimacy with the people, and one that is desperately searching for a more permissible excuse for their failures.
The Biden Administration is losing its unwinnable “War on COVID,” and as its ratings go down in flames, it has backed itself into a corner. Instead of being honest about their failures with the American people, Biden officials are choosing to triple and quadruple down on these broken policy measures. They’re purposely pitting Americans against each other, and labeling the “unvaccinated” as the ultimate scapegoat for their failures.
Mass civil disobedience is now the only answer against outrageous medical tyranny
We have now arrived at the moment where
mass civil disobedience is necessary to end this overt medical tyranny. As JD Vance is now openly calling for, the American people must peacefully rise up and resist this tyranny.
Children's Health Defense has just announced that next week will be "Walk Out Week" where all Americans who are ordered to take mandatory vaccines should
walk out of their places of employment and say NO to the medical tyranny.
Democrats who once chanted, "My body, my choice!" are now screaming, "Your body, OUR orders!" This just proves, of course, that they never believed in "my body, my choice" in the first place. (They simply wanted to murder more babies as part of their demonic human sacrifice rituals.)
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