Bumble, Match both funneling money for abortions among Texas women
By ethanh // 2021-09-12
Bumble and Match, two of the most popular dating apps in the United States, are sending money to Texas women to help more of them fund their abortions out of state. In light of a new Texas law that prohibits women from getting an abortion after six weeks, Bumble and Match are contributing cash to send Texas women out of state for later-term abortions or infanticide, depending on what they demand. Match CEO Shar Dubey told employees in an internal company memo that she has established a fund for workers to fly out of state to murder their unborn babies on demand. Match is based in Dallas. Bumble, which is based in Austin, announced a similar fund that will grant Texas women abortion on demand in another state of their choosing. Whoever downloads either of these apps is thus supporting more abortion. According to Forbes, a new poll found that companies like Bumble and Match, along with many other tech companies that have relocated there over the years, could lose female employees due to the new Texas abortion policy. Since many modern American women seem to have trouble just saying No or using contraception, abortion on demand has become something of a pastime for them. Without easy access to it in Texas, the tech industry there could face huge financial and human resource losses. In response, Big Tech is planning to funnel as much cash as is necessary to fly women who want an abortion out of state for the procedure. They can then fly back to Texas and get pregnant again if they wish, then fly out again, and rinse and repeat until the end of time. "I immigrated to America from India over 25 years ago," complained Dubey of Match about her newfound inability to murder her unborn children after six weeks. "I am shocked that I now live in a state where women's reproductive laws are more regressive than most of the world, including India." "Surely everyone should see the danger of this highly punitive and unfair law ... I would hate for our state to take this big step back in women's rights."

Anyone caught murdering an unborn baby in Texas after six weeks of pregnancy can be sued for $10,000

The new Texas law, which was signed into law back in May by Gov. Greg Abbott, aims to prevent abortions in Texas after a heartbeat can be detected. Typically, this is around six weeks gestation. Abortion lovers argue this, though. They claim that what is obviously a heartbeat is actually just "tissue twitching," which to them means that the developing human body this "tissue twitching" is attached to can be murdered on demand whenever a woman wants to get rid of it. Match and Bumble have an ally in the Satanic Temple of Texas, which has joined Texas women who support abortion in fighting for easier access to baby murder at later stages of pregnancy. Since one in four American women will get at least one abortion before turning 45, the Satanic Temple of Texas wants to show its support for these women by helping them to keep child sacrifice as legal as possible for as long as possible. "Banning abortion after six weeks, before many people realize they're pregnant, will make about 85% of abortions ineligible under the new Texas law," reports Forbes. "The legislation allows private citizens to enforce the law by suing anyone involved in helping procure an abortion in civil court for up to $10,000," the fake news outlet added about the bill signed into law by Gov. Abbott. To keep up with the latest news about female backlash against new restrictions on baby murder can be found at Abortions.news. Sources for this article include: Forbes.com NaturalNews.com