Sharyl Attkisson is compiling a running list of all covid vaccine injuries, harmful reactions
By ethanh // 2021-09-13
Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson is logging all known cases of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" injury and death in a running list on her website. Some of the latest updates include instances of CNS demyelination, functional neurological disorder, waning immunity, Bell's palsy, antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), heart disorders, Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis, Graves' disease and blood clots all stemming from the injections. Despite claims by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that all Chinese Virus injections are "safe and effective," Attkisson's running list shows that this is hardly the case. In fact, there appear to be far more Fauci Flu shot injuries and deaths logged in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) than all other vaccines combined, making "Operation Warp Speed" injections among the most dangerous ever. On Attkisson's site, you can sort and review cases of injury and death based on safety concerns, the type of vaccine administered, and country. You can also review additional reading materials and studies about the jabs. There have been so many reports of harmful reactions to Chinese Virus injections that some are now calling on the U.K.-based Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to stop administering them altogether because they are "not safe for human use." Many people who receive the shots are experiencing bleeding and blood clotting, chronic pain, immune system damage, neurological problems and loss of sight, hearing, smelling and speech. There are also questions about whether pregnant women should be getting jabbed at all.

Pharmacy professor calls on all covid vaccines to be "disapproved"

Linda Wastila, a professor at the Pharmaceutical Health Services Research department at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy recently launched a petition calling on all of Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" injections to stop being administered immediately. A total of 57 authors from 17 different countries signed on to Wastila's petition, urging a definitive halt to all further administration of the questionable injections, at least until new "safety mechanisms" are put in place to protect public health. Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the petition's signatories who says there is "no clinical benefit" associated with the shots, but there are plenty of safety concerns. McCullough, a cardiologist, currently teaches internal medicine at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center. Take some time to look through Attkisson's list of covid vaccine adverse effects and be sure to share the information with others. You might just save a few lives in the event that the truth wakes some people up to the fact that getting injected for Chinese Germs is a really bad idea. "It is truly a crime against humanity well defined by the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Convention," wrote one commenter at Attkisson's site about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines. "Private companies are required by law to announce the side effects of their medicines, both verbally and in writing, in their advertising," wrote another. "Public agencies promoting getting shots have not followed the same rules. Silence on the negatives. Thanks for countering their omissions." Others revealed their own stories about how themselves, friends or family members became seriously ill or worse from getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu. Many corroborated the cases outlined by Attkisson, which appear to be much more common than the mainstream media is letting on. "Vaccine-related deaths are 5X higher than what was reported on VAERS," commented another about how VAERS only captures a very small percentage of actual injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. To keep up with the latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Trump Vaccines, be sure to check out Sources for this article include: