6 Ways to reduce your exposure to EMF
By divinaramirez // 2021-09-14
Most people are used to the electronic conveniences of modern life, from cell phones to kitchen appliances. But few are aware of the possible health risks presented by the gadgets and devices that make the world work. Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are generated anywhere electricity is used, including at home. Many experts have raised concerns that frequent exposure to EMFs can alter brain metabolism, cause sleep disturbance, reduce sperm count and raise one's risk of glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer. Read on to learn more about EMF exposure and how you can protect yourself from this type of pollution.

Dangers of EMF exposure

EMFs are invisible areas of energy, which are often referred to as radiation. EMFs are normally associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are typically grouped into one of two categories based on their frequency:
  • Non-ionizing – This is low-level radiation that is generally perceived as harmless to humans because of its lack of potency. Its forms include extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, radio frequency (RF), microwaves and visual light. Sources of non-ionizing radiation include microwave ovens, cell phones and wireless networks, to name a few.
  • Ionizing – This mid- to high-level radiation can cause DNA damage after prolonged exposure. Its forms include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. They come from sunlight, X-ray machines and radioactive elements.
During the 1990s, researchers studying EMFs focused mainly on extremely low-frequency exposures stemming from conventional power sources, such as power lines, electrical substations and home appliances. Some of these studies showed a potential link between EMF field strength and a greater risk for childhood leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Now, in the age of cell phones and wireless routers, all of which use EMF, concerns about the potential link between EMF and adverse health effects persist. One of the main adverse effects linked to EMF exposure is glioma, a blanket term used to describe brain tumors that start growing in the glial cells. Glial cells offer support and protection for brain cells (neurons). In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified non-ionizing EMFs as Group 2B, meaning they are possible human carcinogens. The current IARC evaluation from 2011 also pointed to a possible link between exposure to RF radiation and cases of glioma in people. However, some experts feel there's already enough evidence of harm from exposure to EMFs that the IARC should classify non-ionizing EMFs as Group 1, or known carcinogens.

How to reduce EMF exposure

Virtually every electronic device in your home produces EMFs. Luckily, there are still many ways to lessen your exposure to EMFs and avoid their potential adverse effects. The following approaches can help reduce both your exposure level and the duration of your exposure to EMFs:
  1. Remove unnecessary electronic devices – Assess the electronic devices and appliances in your home and determine whether they're absolutely necessary. Get rid of those that aren't.
  2. Use Himalayan salt lamps – Himalayan salt lamps work as natural room ionizers. They emit negative ions into the air and effectively bind with excess positive ions, reducing EMFs and purifying the air. (Related: Why every home should have a Himalayan salt lamp.)
  3. Use corded phones – Several studies suggest that cordless phones are more dangerous to use than corded phones or cell phones.
  4. Use shielding paint– Hardware stores now sell "shielding paint" that reduces RF and microwave radiation by up to 99 percent. These paints are for interior use as a primer and can be painted over with a standard latex paint.
  5. Reduce static electricity – Static electricity can be particularly harmful to people who are already sensitive to EMFs. You can minimize your exposure to static electricity by buying clothing and linens made of natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, instead of synthetic ones.
  6. Turn off unused circuits – Even when your electronic devices and appliances are unplugged, they can act like broadcasting antennae for the power grid. You can effectively turn off unused circuits to keep them from drawing power by installing demand switches.
Learn more about the dangers of EMF at RadiationScience.com. Sources include: Healthline.com NaturalHealth365.com NIEHS.NIH.gov