Migrant invasion of U.S. worsens as 10,000 Haitians crowd under Texas bridge and lawmaker calls on governor for answers
By jdheyes // 2021-09-19
The situation along the U.S.-Mexico border is spiraling further out of control as the issue of illegal immigration threatens to tear America apart. For months since Joe Biden's stolen presidency began and he immediately undid all of the real 2020 winner's border enforcement policies, the United States has been literally invaded by more than 1 million migrants who simply walked across the southwest border and turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents, who are now little more than babysitters and shuttle van drivers. But the situation has gotten even worse this month, as now, thousands of migrants from Haiti have begun streaming across the border as well, congregating under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, leading to major pushback from one of the Lone Star State's congressmen. Fox News has more: The situation, captured in images by Fox News that show thousands of migrants predominantly from Haiti gathered under the International Bridge, has caught officials off guard as numbers surged from 4,000 to 14,000 in a matter of days and sparked a fresh border crisis for the administration. Images taken by Fox News on Saturday showed hundreds of migrants massed on the Rio Grande and walking into the U.S. across a shallow part of the river from Mexico. "I am absolutely stunned by what I’m witnessing right now. We are on a boat in the Rio Grande near the Del Rio international bridge and we are watching as masses of hundreds of migrants walk across the river from Mexico and stream into the US illegally," Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin noted in a Twitter post containing video of the unprecedented masses gathered waiting to cross illegally into the U.S. https://twitter.com/BillFOXLA/status/1439245698768285711 Border Patrol officials have been sounding the alarm for weeks, but now say the situation has gotten completely "out of control." "They’re working six days a week, they're working 10 or more hours a day, they're completely overwhelmed, they are fatigued, they’re frustrated that the federal government hasn’t done its job, they’re frustrated that it appears that the federal government is actually inviting these people to cross our borders illegally," Brandon Judd, head of the National Border Patrol Council, told Fox News. One Texas lawmaker, Rep. Chip Roy, a Republican, is not only outraged by what is taking place in his state, but he believes Gov. Greg Abbott should simply start "disregarding" Biden and handling the crisis within the state. Roy said in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson that Biden ought to be impeached for refusing to deal with the situation along his state’s border with Mexico. “This is happening right now, and this president does not care. Article four, section four guarantees us a republican form of government and that the president and the federal government is supposed to protect us from invasion,” Roy told Carlson. “He is failing, and he is willfully disregarding his duty to enforce the laws of the United States and faithfully execute the laws of the United States,” Roy continued. “Not only is it impeachable, but I believe that the governor of Texas ought to start disregarding this president and start taking into our own hands in Texas the need to secure the border of the United States for the welfare of the people,” Roy added. “Not just us, but the migrants getting abused in the name — in the false name of compassion by Democrats who like to pat themselves on the back,” the Texas Republican added. Did the regime get the message? Maybe. "Details are yet to be finalized but will likely involve five to eight flights a day, according to the official with direct knowledge of the plans who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity,” The AP reported. Rep. Roy may actually be onto something here. Sources include: USAFeatures.news ConservativeBrief.com FoxNews.com OpenBorders.news