Covid vaccines NOT REQUIRED for illegal immigrants because Democrats want them to still be alive to vote in 2022
By sdwells // 2021-09-20
Nothing is more valuable to the Democratic Party than people who vote for free stuff, like food, housing, transportation, cash and medical needs. That's why the US border is wide open right now, and that's why not one single illegal immigrant is required to get Covid vaccines right now, or will ever be force-vaccinated by the US government. Why? Vaccines, especially the ones for Covid, are known to cause critical damage to the brain, central nervous system and vascular system. Easy votes can't happen if the "bought" illegal immigrants can't function or they're dead from the "side effects" of the Covid-19 clot shots. Currently, over 6,000 illegal aliens in Del Rio, Texas await the Biden Regime to ship them to big cities around the US to spread Covid, while American citizens are being vaccinated and squeezed "to death" with Covid "vaccine status" restrictions, including where they are allowed to eat food, shop for necessities, travel to, and work.

House Democrats protect illegal immigrants from the deadly China Flu vaccines, but coerce all Conservatives and health advocates to get them or starve to death in their homes

Do you like "privileges" like eating, breathing and walking? Do you believe you have the right to choose which medical treatments you do or don't take for any given illness? In America, according to the Left, you are not entitled to anything, as long as you are a US citizen. If you are an illegal immigrant, you get to opt out of the deadly Covid vaccines because the House Judiciary Committee needs your votes in upcoming elections, and they don't want illegal aliens mad at the government for injecting them with billions of toxic spike prions that cause horrible side effects. This alone could turn many of those voters into Republican voters, and that is the opposite of the main goal of the medical deep state. American citizens are being bombarded with Covid mandates, including vaccination, while the Democrats voted unanimously (that means not one single dissenting vote) to spare all illegal aliens from the deadly jabs, while assisting them in spreading Covid all over the United States. Also, the US Congress, the fake President, and all federal judges -- and all their staff -- are exempt from any vaccine mandates. Why? Because you can't control a whole decimated country if you've been vaccinated yourself and can't function or are dead. Illegal border crossers are free to bring Covid into America, not get vaccinated, not have to work for money, not have to get a driver's license to drive an automobile, not have to get insurance for it, and absolutely not have to show any form of ID to vote, while American citizens need a vaccine ID? It doesn't make sense. And remember, all those "free handouts" from the Democrats come with the ultimate price – loss of all constitutional rights. That's why the state of Texas is suing the Biden Regime right now.

Biden Regime claims to be protecting Americans from Covid with vaccines, but why spread Covid everywhere by shipping super-spreaders – infected illegal immigrants – to all the metropolitan cities?

The Covid vaccines were never intended to protect anyone from infection from Covid or any of its variants. Surprise. The Biden Regime has ordered OSHA to develop a rule REQUIRING every private company in the country with 100 or more employees to make sure everyone who works for them is stabbed with billions of toxic spike proteins that cause blood clots and myocarditis, in hopes of them not catching a bad case of the flu. That will be good for 3 months, then booster shots will be required. Meanwhile, all illegal immigrants can simply walk into America, with no Covid testing or vaccines, and get lots of free stuff from the Democrats, who desperately need those votes, again. Get ready for more lockdowns after the illegal aliens spread Covid everywhere. Get ready to lose your business, your medical rights, your privacy, your guns, your free speech and possibly your life, if the Democrats keep encroaching. Now, Biden has ordered all Medicare and Medicaid Service providers to require the deadly Covid stabs for all of their health care workers, or lose funding. That's a threat. Meanwhile, the Biden Regime prints trillions of dollars all to be "spent" on fake infrastructure companies run by their political cohorts at every level of government and industry. Are you, or is someone you know suffering from SPS – Spike Protein Syndrome? Tune your truth news dial to for updates on the war against dirty vaccines and communism, and how to keep your family happy, healthy and safe. Sources for this article include: