Over 11,000 illegal immigrants are camped out under a bridge in Texas – and they're growing by the day
By arseniotoledo // 2021-09-20
A drone operated by Fox News has found more than 11,000 illegal immigrants camped under a bridge in Texas. Fox News discovered the mostly Haitian illegal immigrants under a bridge in the city of Del Rio, Texas, which is just across the border from Mexico. The news outlet's drone footage showed the migrants walking across a dam on the Rio Grande River. The migrants use this dam to make their way to the International Bridge – a border crossing that connects the country to Mexico. On Wednesday, the illegal immigrants numbered around 4,000. By Thursday morning, their numbers had doubled to approximately 8,200. By Friday, their numbers had soared past 11,000. Multiple sources that spoke with Fox News even believe that there may be "tens of thousands" more illegal immigrants on their way. Another source told Fox News that Customs and Border Patrol was so overwhelmed by the situation that they are concerned it might spiral out of control. "The sheer amount of people, it's like getting hit by a two-by-four," said Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales during an interview on Thursday. "You think you're in a third-world country, and this is the United States, this is Del Rio, Texas, and there is literally no border at all – it's just been muddle over." "To feed these migrants, provide them three meals a day, would cost the city of Del Rio $1 million a week," said Gonzales. "This is a small town that does not have any resources and yet they are literally having to come up with millions of dollars a week to handle this crisis. It's unfair to them." The border crisis has escalated in recent days, raising concerns that the administration of Democratic President Joe Biden is not doing enough to protect Americans against the deluge of illegal immigrants into the United States. (Related: U.S. border has collapsed completely as Biden regime now busing COVID-infected migrants all across U.S.) Bruno Lozano, mayor of Del Rio, has called on the administration to act quickly to solve the crisis. "This is just something that needs to be brought to light, that we need quick attention from the administration," he said. "We need quick attention to this, we need a response in real time."

Federal government retaliates by banning drones from flying over the area

In retaliation for reporting the truth regarding the crisis in the country's southern border, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Thursday banned Fox News from flying drones over the bridge in Del Rio for two weeks. "We'd been using our drone to show everybody these remarkable pictures," said Fox News reporter Bill Melugin. "But we just learned that the FAA has put out a temporary flight restriction, a TFR, in the area immediately around the port of entry where that bridge is." "All of a sudden, in the last 24 hours, we start showing these images at this bridge and a TFR goes up, we can no longer fly." The FAA claimed the restriction on flying was requested by Border Patrol and that it was granted due to "special security reasons." "The Border Patrol requested the temporary flight restriction due to drones interfering with law enforcement flights on the border," said the FAA in a statement. "As with any temporary flight restriction, media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in the area." Melugin pointed out that Fox News had already been operating at the border "for the better part of seven months now." "We've been using the drone the entire time. It's never been an issue," said Melugin. "All of a sudden, the last 24 hours, we start showing these images at this bridge and a TFR goes up. We can no longer fly." Learn more about how the Biden administration is ignoring the crisis at the southern border by reading the latest articles at OpenBorders.news. Sources include: BlacklistedNews.com FoxNews.com News.Yahoo.com NYPost.com