D.C. officials begin scapegoating the unvaccinated, claiming they're more dangerous than terrorists
By ethanh // 2021-09-21
In lockstep with fake "president" Joe Biden's ongoing efforts to inject every last American with a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine," officials in the District of Columbia are doing their part to try to get more needles into arms by roving local neighborhoods in search for the "unvaccinated." Elissa Silverman, a D.C. Council Member, spoke at a recent meeting about how she is personally very upset about the fact that not everyone in the area has agreed to roll up their sleeves for an "Operation Warp Speed" shot. "I want to understand our city's strategy regarding the unvaccinated because that's, like, the big deal here," Silverman whined. "If I'm looking at the data correctly, almost all of our unvaccinated residents 12 and older are insured by Medicaid. That's like the entire universe." Because Silverman feels as though everyone should be forced to get injected against their will – this is also known as medical fascism – she is calling on D.C. officials who are higher up on the food chain than herself to take swift and immediate action to get everyone jabbed. Another council member by the name of Mary Cheh further complained about how she witnessed students at Wilson High School sitting close to one another at lunch – gasp! These same students were also not wearing face masks, which upset Cheh even more. To try to get their way, these two women are attempting to launch a crusade against the unvaccinated and other "non-compliant" people, including public school students who refuse to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from one another at all times. They are joined by Patrick Ashley of D.C. Health, who announced that his department has unleashed an "outreach program" that involves going door to door to get more needles into arms. "And as a reminder, we knock on doors until we actually get someone to talk to us," Ashley announced. "And so, they'll go back to a house four or five, six times, if necessary, multiple times of the day."

To the Branch Covidians, what you do with your body is THEIR choice

Unlike the two women, Ashley stated that he agrees with the Constitution that Americans have the freedom and liberty to reject Fauci Flu shots if they so choose, which really upset Silverman. "The president is saying it's not a choice anymore!" Silverman interrupted and shouted at Ashley as he was stating that Wuhan Flu shots are "a choice of theirs to make." "The biggest threat to our city right now" is unvaccinated residents, Silverman further bellowed in a manner similar to Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory:" Needless to say, Silverman is a "bad egg." Until she gets put in her place, however, Silverman will more than like continue to try to impose her Cult of Covidism religious beliefs on others by making other people's bodies her choice. Silverman brought up the recent move by the Los Angeles Board of Education that aims to force all public school students 12 years of age and older to be medically raped with Trump Vaccines as an example for D.C. public schools to follow. Ashley responded to Silverman with a bit more dignity than she showed him by saying that he looks forward to any "other suggestions" she might have for how to "make more strides in those communities" where compliance with Operation Warp Speed is currently lacking. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, meanwhile, has decided to try to force all government employees in the district to take a Fauci Shot or three. More related news about the Branch Covidians and their obsession with trying to medically rape America can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: WTOP.com NaturalNews.com