Higher vaccination rates translate to higher covid cases as LEAKY, non-sterilizing vaccines worsen the plandemic
The most vaccinated regions around the world are suffering from a
new spike in covid and associated illnesses. This new wave of sickness and death far exceeds previous waves of covid that were observed over the past two years. In the early days of the covid-19 lockdowns, case counts were extremely LOW in comparison to today’s numbers. After a second round of lockdowns and forced mask policies were implemented, case counts and hospitalizations climbed yet again in the fall and winter of 2020/2021, dwarfing the initial wave.
After mass vaccination campaigns were deployed across developed nations, case counts initially fell. During this time, fewer people were required to take the covid-19 test because they were considered “fully vaccinated” and protected from severe disease. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had also
stopped reporting covid in the vaccinated and even lowered the cycle threshold of the test, to strategically lower the covid case count in the vaccinated. However, as vaccinated people fell ill over 2021, covid testing ramped up and covid case counts and hospitalizations climbed yet again. Israel, the United Kingdom and the United States are now seeing their greatest surge in sickness since the
plandemic began.
Leaky, non-sterilizing covid vaccines cause more sickness
Covid-19 case rates are increasing alongside vaccination rates,
as artificial immunity wanes. The mRNA technology being deployed as “vaccination” is turning human cells into synthetic spike protein factories, forcing inflammatory auto-intoxication of the human body. These “vaccines” are
a non- sterilizing intervention; the science puts selective pressure on the spike protein and drives new mutations in circulating coronaviruses. These leaky vaccines create
vaccinated super spreaders, whose bodies are programmed to mass produce spike proteins that shed to others and harm the most vulnerable in a population. The vaccinated test subjects unknowingly
colonize the virus and carry around high viral load as they become the asymptomatic super spreader that everyone was supposed to fear just a year and half ago.
Israel is the most shocking example of vaccine failure. Even with over 80 percent of their population “fully vaccinated,” herd immunity is still not realized. The nation is currently experiencing its fourth wave, and is responding to the crisis with more of the same – booster shots for all. Meanwhile, hospitalizations and deaths continue to mount.

The United Kingdom has successfully inoculated two thirds of its population, yet they are documenting another serious wave of covid.
Covid cases were a lot lower when everyone was unvaccinated
The United States is experiencing the same medical crisis. The Biden regime claims the country is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” yet a year ago, the covid case rate was approximately one fourth of what it is today. The case count was much lower when everyone was UNVACCINATED. There were 2.5 million cases per day by September of 2020, when no one was vaccinated. Today, the number of cases per day has reached 10 million, and that's with 55 percent of the population “fully vaccinated,” How will upcoming booster shots affect the covid case rates, hospitalizations and deaths?

Taking a closer look at the state of Washington, it becomes even more clear: vaccines are exacerbating covid case counts. As a matter of fact, the state has recently reached its highest case count – close to 5,000 per day. The most vulnerable population cohort (age 65 and up) are 89 percent fully vaccinated in Washington. Seventy-three percent of all people age 12 and up are fully vaccinated in Washington. However, the state is suffering its greatest covid wave yet.

In California, the case counts are rising along with the death rate, even though the state has some of the most tyrannical mask, lock down and vaccine policies in the nation. The seven-day average for covid deaths in September is higher in 2021, even though California has robust vaccine coverage. In 2020, covid cases and deaths were much lower even though everyone was unvaccinated. Something serious is going on in the U.S. and around the world. Predictably, these new vaccines appear to be vectors of disease, not public health solutions.

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Sources include:
Medrxiv.org [1]
Medrxiv.org [2]