The triple scourges of famine, war and pestilence have taken down empires before and Joe Biden and Democrats, not learning from history, are doomed to repeat their failures
By newseditors // 2021-09-27
My critics will declare my title wrong since America is a democracy (more accurately, a republic) and not an Empire. An Empire is "a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority." I suggest America qualifies as an Empire with Biden acting like our "single sovereign authority." (Article by Don Boys republished from America can’t be a democracy since I did not vote (nor did my representatives) vote to pull out of Afghanistan or to open our southern border to decent, hard-working people looking for a better life and for sure, not for terrorists, deadbeats, child molesters, thieves, muggers, and other lowlifes. I did not vote to pretend two men or two women living together can make up a family; nor that children have a right to decide their gender; nor that a man can pretend to be a woman by changing his plumbing; nor to permit males to compete with females in athletic events; nor to permit boys to declare themselves female and gain rightful entrance into female restrooms and locker rooms. Nor did I vote to permit our Empire to be run by egotistical health officials who have never treated anyone for anything at any time. Nor did I vote to force toddlers to wear a face mask; nor for businesses to be closed and church services to be shut down. No, the American Empire, like Rome, is crumbling as I write. I’ve even heard that some big-city mayors, all Democrats, will give a guaranteed weekly wage, but that can’t be true. Even Democrats can’t be that stupid. The world has been fighting the Communist Chinese coronavirus for many months, and with "new variants" appearing, we may be losing the battle. Businesses are closing, hospitals are full, people are angry, experts are vacillating, politicians are lying as they take control, the innocent are dying, and vaccine makers are crying all the way to the bank carrying buckets full of money. However, it has happened before with more tragic results. Bubonic Plague lashed the face of Europe in the Middle Ages, killing half the population in some cities, more in others. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that bubonic plague (Black Death) is spreading in many parts of Madagascar (island nation just east of southern Africa), and a "weak health care system means it may spread farther." WHO reported that there have been 40 deaths from the plague, with 119 people infected. Plague is spread by fleas carried by rats. WHO also ominously reported, "There is now a risk of a rapid spread of the disease due to the city’s high population density and the weakness of the healthcare system." Well, add one more threat to life from all the exotic diseases (pestilences) from Africa and China—earthquakes, famines, wars, and rumors of war to warn world citizens of the end of the world as we know it. No, I’m not a pessimist; that thought was Matthew, chapter 24. We have experienced all this before, but not with such frequency and intensity. Nations could be destroyed as in the past. American physician, bacteriologist, and prolific author Hans Zinsser, among others, believe that the Plague of Justinian was partly responsible for the demise of the Roman Empire. He declared the plague was "perhaps the most potent single influence" which gave the coup de grâce to the ancient Empire. Bugs, not bullets, knocked off an empire! This pandemic lasted about seventy years and caused havoc in the Roman Empire, already bruised, broken, and bleeding. Justinian was desperately trying to restore the ancient Empire to its former glory–like trying to breathe life into a corpse. Seventy years of pandemic! During Emperor Justinian’s reign, the worldwide plague began in A.D. 541 at Pelusium, Egypt (at the mouth of the Nile). He was known as "the emperor that never sleeps." In sixty years, the plague spread to all parts of the known world. The dead lay unburied in the streets, and ten thousand persons died each day at Constantinople. The people of Constantinople became desperate with all the deaths as they placed bodies anywhere they could. Some bodies were left in houses to rot. It got worse as the black horse of famine galloped through the city because mills stopped grinding corn due to workers’ deaths. They experienced a major food shortage because of many business failures. And those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Read more at: and