Tennis star Jeremy Chardy forced to quit playing after covid vaccine, "violent pain" means he "cannot play"
By ethanh // 2021-09-28
Another professional athlete has lost his ability to play after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Tennis star Jeremy Chardy says he has no idea if he will ever return to the court since the Pfizer-BioNTech injection caused him to develop violent, near-paralyzing pains across his body. The 34-year-old deeply regrets taking the jab, saying there is "no hindsight" once a person has done it. All he can do now is try to "take care of myself," Chardy told reporters, emphasizing that physical exertion has become exceptionally difficult post-injection. "Suddenly I cannot train, I cannot play," the 2017 Davis Cup winner told the AFP. Chardy says he complied with getting the injection back in the summer between the Olympics, where he was beaten by gold medalist Alex Zverev in the quarterfinals, and the U.S. Open, where he lost in straight sets in the first round to Matteo Berrettini. "I started feeling a big pain on my entire body," Chardy laments. "I regret getting vaccinated." "I went to see two doctors, I did some tests, so I know what I have and the most important thing is to take care of myself. I prefer to take more time to heal myself and be sure that in the future I won't have a problem, rather than trying to get back on the court as quickly as possible and end up with more health problems."

Getting injected could ruin your life

It has been such an up and down battle for Chardy that he may no longer even possess the mental capacity to compete again in the same way he did prior to taking the shot. "In my head, it's difficult because I do not know how long it will last," he says. "For the moment, my season is stopped and I do not know when I will resume. It's frustrating because I started the year really well, I was playing really well. And then I went to the Games, where I felt great, too." Chardy worries that the healing process could take a very long time, if it ever completes. This is "especially frustrating," he says, because "I do not have 10 years to play." "Suddenly now, I regret having had the vaccine, but I could not know [what the consequences would be]," he says. A college student from Ohio suffered a similar experience when a Chinese Virus injection caused him to develop severe heart complications. Greyson Follmer was an elite athlete prior to taking two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech "vaccine" from "Operation Warp Speed." He, too, may never play again due to the injections. Tennis star Novak Djokovic has spoken out against compulsory vaccination policies for star athletes. Former Wimbledon champion Pat Cash went a step further in warning that the jabs are experimental and should never be forced on anyone. "I'm 35 in February, so right now I might be a little bit negative," Chardy added in a statement about his situation. "But it's the first time that I have thought that next season might be my last ... it's difficult because I was having fun and I wanted to play longer." "There are people who have had similar [experiences], but the durations [of their issues] have been really different." The World Health Organization (WHO), meanwhile, has reiterated its position that the jabs are all "thoroughly assessed" for "quality, safety, and efficacy," and that nobody under the age of 16 should think twice about complying. "Tragic for this poor guy hoping he recovers soon ok," wrote one RT commenter. "Novak is cool he says no to the poisonous venom injection and tells them all to take a hike. Be like Novak, Novak is cool. Be like Novak." The latest covid vaccine injury and death stories can be found at Sources for this article include: