New York waging economic warfare against the "unvaccinated"
By ethanh // 2021-09-29
The new fake "governor" of New York has announced that any state employee who is fired for not being able to show a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" passport will not be allowed to collect unemployment insurance. Kathy Hochul is apparently trying to compete with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for the title of worst female tyrant in America as she reportedly wages full economic war against "unvaccinated" workers in her state. After a judge temporarily halted Andrew Cuomo's mandate, which was passed on to Hochul after his departure, Hochul decided to punish the unvaccinated in a different way by depriving them of unemployment. What this means is that unvaccinated workers in New York will not receive any help from the government, should they be unable to find other work. Many could end up on the streets in order to "save lives." The only exception to Hochul's decree is a doctor-approved medical exemption. Anything else will not be accepted and the person will be kicked to the streets like trash for refusing the jab. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is eagerly on board with Hochul's agenda, having announced that he already has "thousands and thousands of vaccinated, experienced substitute teachers" waiting in the wings to replace all of the unvaccinated teachers who are being tossed to the curb for their non-compliance.

2nd Circuit Court of Appeals blocks NYC from mandating covid jabs on teachers

There is a roadblock, though. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stop that bars the city from enforcing any vaccine mandate on teachers. A three-judge panel will pick up the case next and expedite a resolution by the end of September. Union leaders who support the mandate but not its rapid timeline for implementation are also speaking out against Hochul and de Blasio, both of whom are desperately trying to force everyone to get jabbed at warp speed. "CSEA is supporting of efforts to keep our state workplaces safer, but these changes must respect the legal bargaining rights of workers," said CSEA spokesman Mark Kotzin in defiance of the mandate. There is already a widespread shortage of health workers due to the mandate, and now the government of New York wants to create similar worker shortages across other sectors. Not only will this hurt the unvaccinated who refuse to comply, but it will also hurt the state's economy. Large gaps in the workforce will need to be filled or else key sectors and essential services will collapse. Hochul is planning to roll in National Guard troops to fill the empty health care slots, and she may even send troops into the state's public schools to play-pretend as "substitute teachers" just to "own" the non-jabbed. Such coercion is strictly prohibited under the law, both constitutionally and as established by the Nuremberg Code. But when has that ever stopped an American politician from committing crimes against humanity? "These tyrants need to be burned at the stake," wrote one commenter at Reclaim the Net. "They are going to start a war!" wrote another. "When you put people in a position where they have nothing to lose, they become very dangerous." Others echoed the same thing, asking how this is legal and why there are not more people fighting these mandates in court. All it takes for evil to triumph, after all, is for good men to do nothing." "The entire mandate program is profit driven, as in, it is the only thing keeping Wall Street afloat today," another wrote in speculation as to the true driving factor behind all the covid tyranny. To learn more about how government fascists are using "covid" to erase the Constitution, visit Sources for this article include: