Group representing school boards across begs Biden to weaponize the FBI against outspoken parents
By nolanbarton // 2021-10-05
The National School Board Association (NSBA) is begging President Joe Biden to weaponize the FBI against parents to address what it claims are "violence and threats" directed toward school board members and public schools. The NSBA makes no mention of its own advocacy of psychological terrorism against schoolchildren by making them wear masks and social distance, even though neither of these approaches is backed by any real science. NSBA, a group representing school boards across the country, has urged the Biden administration to use statutes such as the Gun-Free School Zones Act and the USA Patriot Act to stop threats and violence directed toward school board members over actions that that it claims could be "the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes." "America's public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat," the NSBA says in a letter dated Sept. 29 and signed by NSBA President Viola Garcia and interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven. The letter asks for "federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation."

School board meetings resemble a battleground

Garcia and Slaven have noted several issues surrounding school boards, in which meetings have become battlegrounds for culture wars over how districts are handling mask rules, Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations, schools reopening, critical race theory and remote learning. They have also called on Biden to use the Postal Service "to intervene against threatening letters and cyber-bullying attacks," citing growing threats from "extremist hate organizations showing up at school board meetings."

Critical race theory at the center of conflict

In the letter, they have blamed "propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction" for "attacks against school board members and educators." "This propaganda continues despite the fact that critical race theory is not taught in public schools and remains a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class," the letter states. (Related: Critical race theory is just anti-white racism.) In recent months, school districts across the country have seen angry demonstrations and confrontations between parents and education officials at school board meetings. The letter cites anger over school mask directives and critical race theory, which focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities.

Parents getting blacklisted for speaking out

In Loudoun County, Virginia, school administrators and teachers are reportedly blacklisting parents who speak out against controversial critical race theory's use in public school classrooms. Free to Learn Coalition, a group opposed to the teaching of critical race theory, has launched a $500,000 ad blitz criticizing the Loudoun County's school board. According to Slaven, the organization's main goals in calling for a coordinated effort between local, state and federal law enforcement are "safety and deterrence" over incidents that "are beyond random acts." "What we are now seeing is a pattern of threats and violence occurring across state lines and via online platforms, which is why we need the federal government’s assistance," Slaven says. Threatening school board members is bad. But silencing the parents of young students could be worse.

Parents condemn teacher who indoctrinated their children about communism

Last month, Parents showed up in droves at the Natomas Unified School Board meeting to demand justice for their children and call for the firing and criminal prosecution of Inderkum High School teacher Gabriel Gipe. A Project Veritas video has caught Gipe keeping an Antifa flag and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom and admitting that he encourages students to protest. In the video, Gipe says he intends to radicalize students into supporting Marxist ideas by using the public school system as an avenue to incentivize them to participate in fringe extracurricular events. Dozens of parents at the school board meeting have expressed concerns with what their children are being taught. "Not only does his termination need to be taken effective immediately but I believe a criminal investigation needs to happen," says one parent. "This does not begin and end with him. He was enabled for years. Complaints were filed and nothing was done," says another parent, Richard Gilbert. Parents like Monique Hokman calls for a full investigation into the teacher and district and changes in policy. They are also concerned with claims made by Gipe that he is not the only teacher that is teaching his viewpoints inside the classroom. (Related: Virginia education plan for third graders appears to celebrate communism, as hard-left indoctrination of our kids continues apace.) "I have a problem with people teaching our kids things without our knowledge," says Hokman. "The one teacher is not just the problem. We would like to see some steps that are going to protect all our children now and all the ones that are coming up in the future."

School board meeting halted

The meeting has been stopped in the middle of public comment. A lawyer representing the district has said that the meeting was stopped because of a lack of decorum and would be rescheduled for a later date. Board members have left the meeting out of the back side of the building. Conservative talk show host Pete Santilli has lauded the parents for actively opposing the indoctrination of their children to communism. "What happened is truly representative of the sentiments that we Americans – it could be Republicans and Democrats – have. Nobody wants communism in our school system," Santilli says in "The Pete Santilli Show" on Brighteon.TV.

Still a lot of work to do

Deb Jordan, Santilli's co-host in the 30-minute program on Brighteon.TV, thinks that the parents still have a lot of work to do. "I don't think it's over yet. They're indoctrinating children now at an earlier age, and then we're sending them off to these universities where they're going to be indoctrinated anyway," Jordan says. "I think it comes back to the parents. The responsibility is going to be laid at the feet of the parents to either get their kids out of the school systems or make sure that their kids have the full armor of God and the United States Constitution before sending them off to universities." In other words, it's better to let the parents be involved in the formative years of their children instead of silencing them and trying to keep them out of the loop. Follow for more news related to the brainwashing being done to students at school. Sources include: