More than three-quarters of covid deaths in Vermont are among the "fully vaccinated"
By ethanh // 2021-10-05
The latest data out of Vermont shows that a whopping 76 percent of all new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) deaths are occurring in the "fully vaccinated." So-called "breakthrough" cases, which we were told are "rare," actually account for the vast majority of Chinese Virus deaths in the highly "progressive" state, which is one of the most vaccinated in the nation. Of the 33 Vermonters who died after testing "positive" for the Fauci Flu in the month of September, only eight of them were unvaccinated. The other 25 all took the jabs in obedience to the government, which told them they would be "safe" if they did. According to Health Department spokesman Ben Truman, all of these fully vaccinated fatalities occurred because the jab recipients took their injections early, meaning any "immunity" they may have received is long gone. These mostly elderly cases "have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case," Truman announced. The Chinese Virus vaccination rate in Vermont is currently 88 percent among people aged 12 and older. This means that the state should be fully protected against the disease with no more deaths. Instead, new "breakthrough" cases of Chinese Germs are spreading like wildfire, completely debunking the myth that getting injected provides protection against infection.

So much for a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"

According to Truman, all of these breakthrough deaths serve as "proof" that "vaccines are working" to protect Vermonters against the "worst outcomes." We are unsure what could be worse than death, however. Meanwhile, Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine continues to claim that there is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" occurring that requires more people to take the injections if there is ever to be an end to death with covid. "Age is an important predictor of disease severity, and we have been seeing that the Delta variant is taking a tragic and disproportionate toll on our older population," blabbed Truman, adding his own take to the situation. "In addition to being more likely to have severe illness and consequences like hospitalizations and deaths, older Vermonters were among the very first to be vaccinated, and therefore, have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case, with these more severe outcomes." This explanation makes no sense, of course, but nothing really does in Covidland. People are expected to just roll up their sleeves and not ask any questions – and the vast majority of Vermonters have proven themselves to be obedient little slaves that require little-to-no prodding. Every excuse in the book is now being rolled out to try to explain away the massive surge in hospitalizations and deaths among the fully vaccinated. One wonders if any fully vaccinated people are finally waking up and regretting their decision to become a human guinea pig experiment for the Branch Covidian psychopaths that continue to terrorize the world with their chemical poisons. "The experts keep spouting mortality statistics based on the 500K+ people who died before vaccines were available," wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. "Yet they still parrot the line like robots: 'Need to get vaccinated, the unvaccinated are a threat,'" wrote another about the blind allegiance that many fully vaccinated people and their preferred politicians are giving to the narrative. "If you die within 14 days of being jabbed, you are designated as 'unvaccinated,' so how do they even know that the eight unvaccinated were really unvaccinated?" asked another. Many others pointed out the total lunacy of continuing to push these jabs when it is abundantly clear that they do not work, at least not to keep anyone healthy and "safe." The latest news about the failure of Wuhan Flu shots to provide any real protection against infection can be found at Sources for this article include: