Biden apologizes to Haiti, but not Americans, for Haitian land invasion of United States
By jdheyes // 2021-10-06
You may not have liked his 'mean' tweets or his demeanor on the national or global stage, but one thing extremely positive about Donald Trump is that he was the most "America First" president we've had since Ronald Reagan. Everything Trump did, policy wise, was done in regard to how it would first benefit America and Americans. Never once did he put other people or other countries' interests ahead of ours. And for that, nearly 75 million people voted to reelect him last fall, the most ever for a Republican nominee (we can talk some other time about the phony 81 million votes Joe Biden allegedly got). But speaking of Biden, the 'America First' policies are gone with Trump, and it's obvious in everything the mind-addled 'president' does. First and foremost, he put our country in danger by eliminating nearly all of Trump's border and immigration enforcement policies, which has led to the mass importation of millions of illegal immigrants, most of whom are allowed to stay in the country (so the Democrats can make them new voters at some point in the future -- like with the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill that contains a 'path to citizenship' measure). And as if that weren't bad enough, Biden has taken to apologizing to other countries when their citizens cross illegally into the U.S. and he has to send a few of them back. HeadlineUSA has more details on this disturbing story: A top U.S. official on Friday apologized for how Haitian migrants were treated along the U.S.–Mexico border, saying it’s not how border officials or the Department of Homeland Security behave. The comments from Juan Gonzalez, the U.S. National Security Council’s senior director for the Western Hemisphere, came during a two-day official visit to Haiti to talk with local leaders about migration and other issues. “I want to say that it was an injustice, that it was wrong,” he said. “The proud people of Haiti and any migrant deserve to be treated with dignity.” Understand that this kind of International mea culpa does not come without the express consent of the president, so when Gonzalez spoke, he was actually speaking for Biden. "The U.S. government recently came under fire for its treatment of Haitian migrants, with images showing men on horseback, corralling Haitian asylum seekers," HeadlineUSA continued. "The phony narrative was later debunked, with even the photographer who took the images saying they were being misrepresented. However, the Biden administration has continued to push the lie as it desperately scrambles to deflect and distract from a litany of other failures, including what promises to be a record number of illegal border crossings." Last month, Americans were far more shocked by video and photographs of thousands of Haitian migrants who merely waltzed across a dam in the Rio Grande River into the U.S. and set up a makeshift camp underneath an international bridge near Del Rio, Texas. The migrants had been told they would be allowed to stay in the United States if they crossed illegally, and so they scraped together money to pay smugglers and came; when it was all said and done, nearly 15,000 had gathered under the bridge before the regime was forced to deal with them. Meanwhile, the Biden regime has allowed nearly 2 million people to sneak illegally into the country -- amid a COVID-19 pandemic, mind you, against Title 42 and in violation of a Supreme Court order instructing the administration to restart Trump's "Remain In Mexico" program. All because they want enough new voters to remain in power in perpetuity. “When we release people that break our laws without bothering to test them for the [Wuhan coronavirus] … what we’re saying in the clearest possible terms [is] ‘we don’t like you.’ This isn’t a policy [but] an act of aggression … designed to humiliate you and demoralize you. Reckless, non-destructive immigration policy is the penalty … for your white supremacy,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in February as illegal aliens began pouring into the country. Sources include: