Lawfare with Tom Renz: Gov. Abbott's executive order banning vaccine mandates came too late – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-10-18
Lawyer Tom Renz tackled Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's recent order banning vaccine mandates during the Oct. 12 episode of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" on Brighteon.TV. He discusses the matter with Dr. Richard Bartlett and Dr. Bryan Ardis, who hosts the Brighteon.TV program "The Dr. Ardis Show." All three concur that the executive order came rather late. Renz denounces the nefarious actions of the Biden administration amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – including the vaccine mandates. "It's one thing that these bad guys are doing bad things, but the level to which they're sinking to just never ceases to amaze me. These people are just evil, I don't know what else to say about it," he says. The lawyer is doing his best to hold those people accountable. He has filed a suit alleging that the federal government has covered up as many as 45,000 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccine in just one reporting system. The "Lawfare with Tom Renz" host discusses Abbott's executive order against vaccine mandates. According to Fox News, the governor's new rule prohibits "any entity" – public or private – to compel anyone "who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience" to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. It adds that Abbott's order applies to both employees and customers turning down the vaccine because of "religious belief or medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19." Renz says Abbott's executive order is "no doubt, in response to what we're seeing with Southwest Airlines" that mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for employees. "People like freedom in Texas," he says. The two doctors also laud the order by Abbott. "I was super excited and thrilled to see this because there have been so many fearful people in Texas. I will just say this is a huge win," Ardis says. Meanwhile, Bartlett calls Abbott's order as a "victory" and adds that "the will of the people is being acknowledged." (Related: Gov. Greg Abbott bans vaccine mandates in Texas.)

Executive order is not enough, "rock-solid" legislation needed

While the three praise Abbott for his executive order, Renz and his two guests are in agreement that legislation is much better. "This is not enough. We need legislation, rock-solid legislation. An executive order … it can come [and] go. We need rock-solid legislation that bans any sort of genetic mRNA vaccines of any type. You can't just say [COVID-19] vaccines because they'll just change the name," Renz says. Bartlett criticizes the order as "too late" and has only served as "a response to political pressure." He says: "There are so many people that I know [who] have felt coerced into getting the jab because of fear of not being able to provide for their families. And for Gov. Abbott to sit on [the executive order] for a year before he did this is inexcusable." (Related: Dallas-based Southwest Airlines to ignore state of Texas ban on vaccine mandates, setting up major legal fight.) Ardis agrees with the two, acknowledging the temporary nature of executive orders. "This does not mean it's permanent. There needs to be more done," the host of "The Dr. Ardis Show" on Brighteon.TV says. Bartlett then continues: "We do need legislation. [State] Sen. Bob Hall is a hero in the United States. He served our country in the military, [and] he's serving our country now as a state senator in Texas." Ardis seconds Bartlett's remarks, confirming that Abbott contacted the Republican state lawmaker so the Texas State Legislature can act on a bill banning vaccine mandates. The Fox News report backs up their statements, reporting that Abbott has formally requested the Texas State Legislature to draft bills similar to his executive order. True enough, the GOP state senator has filed a bill toward this goal. Hall's Senate Bill 14 explicitly bans vaccine mandates, and allows people subject to government vaccine mandates to seek injunctive relief in district court and be reimbursed for legal costs. "I think all three of us have had the opportunity to work with the good Sen. Hall. The man is a patriot. He's a hero and God bless him for his tireless work," Renz says. Bartlett comments about the overall effects of Abbott's pro-health freedom order. "I'm so excited about the freedom we have here being protected for a moment. This is not an accident that this has occurred. There are people who are getting the truth out and they are finally being acknowledged for a moment," he says. Watch the full Oct. 12 episode of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" below. Tune in to "Lawfare with Tom Renz" every Tuesday at 11:30-12 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. has more articles about state leaders pushing back against COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Sources include: [PDF]