Biden continues to deny that supply shortages are occurring in the US
By arseniotoledo // 2021-10-20
President Joe Biden continues to deny the fact that the supply chain crisis that he is unable to resolve has created shortages in all kinds of goods in America. Supply chain experts do not doubt that the situation the U.S. is in is only one part of a global supply chain crisis. While elected officials like Biden will not be able to do much about the issue overseas, there is plenty it can and should be doing to alleviate the situation in the country. Biden has insisted on multiple occasions that his administration is working hard to deal with the situation. But there is no indication that the supply chain crisis, which is causing rapid inflation and unprecedented goods shortages, is going to end any time soon. According to recent reports, there is currently a severe shortage of chicken, coffee, diaper and toilet paper. There are also shortages of other goods in groceries, such as Ben & Jerry flavors, carbonated drinks, fish sticks, frozen meals, Heinz ketchup packets, McCormick gourmet spices, etc. If the situation doesn't get resolved immediately, more grocery store items may also be in short supply in the coming months. These include beef and pork products, certain fruits and vegetables, pasta, bread, canned food, pet food, bottled water, beer and other alcoholic beverages. This is not the first time that Biden has denied the existence of supply shortages. Back in May 2020, when Biden was still a candidate for president, he claimed that America doesn't have a food shortage problem but "a leadership problem." "It's not a food shortage, it's a lack of leadership," he said at the time. "I mean, we have the best agricultural system in the world. It's the leadership that's – we can't afford to let people go wondering where they're going to get their next meal. And so right now, hunger today isn't about scarcity, it's about massive failures in leadership." "Now that Biden is the one in leadership, does he still believe that it's unconscionable for Americans to wonder where they'll get their next meal?" writes Spencer Brown, managing editor for conservative media outlet Townhall. "Does he still think America's agricultural system should mean America ought to be immune to food shortages?" "The next time you find an empty aisle in your grocery store or try to order your favorite fast-food meal that's suddenly unavailable, blame America's 'leadership problem,' and the man in charge," he adds. "After all, that's what the president told us to do." (Related: Hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe goes viral as Americans rage over broken supply chain under Biden.)

Support for Biden plummets due to supply shortages

Biden's approval rating has been on an extended downward trend since the global supply chain crisis started gaining steam. Poll analysts say that this is likely because the economy has become a major cause for concern for many Americans due to the public's concern over the supply chain, consistent consumer price surges and supply shortages. A poll conducted by market research and consulting company Ipsos has found that 21 percent of American adults believe the top problem facing America is the "economy, unemployment and jobs." "Public health, disease and illness" is second at 13 percent while immigration is third at just 9 percent. The poll has also found that 58 percent of American adults believe the country is "on the wrong track." Only 27 percent believe America is heading in the right direction. Another 15 percent do not know. Seventy-nine percent of Republicans and 73 percent of independents believe America is on the wrong track. Only Democrats believe America is heading in the right direction, but they are not united in the matter. Just 48 percent of Democrats believe America is heading in the right direction. Thirty-three percent believe America is on the wrong track and 19 percent do not know. Biden's overall approval has also dropped, with 48 percent of Americans disapproving of the way he is handling his job as president compared to 46 percent who approve of his current performance. When considering partisan allegiances, 81 percent of Democrats, 34 percent of independents and 15 percent of Republicans approve of Biden's performance. The latest survey by polling company Rasmussen has also found that economic confidence dropped by more than seven points since September. Seventy-five percent of the Rasmussen survey's respondents are closely following the latest news regarding the supply chain. An overwhelming majority of Americans – 85 percent – are concerned that the ongoing supply chain crisis will lead to more shortages of basic items. Nearly two-thirds of those polled believe it's about time for the federal government to take action to help alleviate the problem. When asked about Biden's approval dropping, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says that Biden has a lot of more important concerns to deal with. Psaki has also lied by claiming that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is the biggest issue in the minds of Americans, and that this is somehow connected to the ongoing supply chain crisis. "This is a really tough time in our country. We're still battling COVID, and a lot of people thought we'd be through it, including us," says Psaki. "Our focus is not exactly on the day-to-day up and downs of the polls, our focus is on getting the pandemic under control, returning to life – a version of normal – so people can have security in going into work and dropping their kids off and knowing people will be safe." Learn more about how disastrously Biden is handling the shortages, the inflation and the overall supply chain crisis by leading the latest articles at Sources include: [PDF]