Biden regime weighs deploying National Guard to militarize broken supply chain
By ethanh // 2021-10-22
After intentionally keeping the supply chain broken, the Biden regime is now considering sending in the troops to "fix" it. The White House says it might deploy National Guard troops to the nation's ports to supposedly help address the supply chain "backlog" that is leaving many store shelves bare and causing prices to skyrocket. While such a deployment is unlikely to happen immediately, Biden's handlers and the figureheads who run his "administration" say that they are ready to get the military involved as an "outside-the-box" fix for the supply chain woes that our country currently faces. Those involved with discussions about this claim that the White House is conducting "due diligence" on the matter and "assessing all potential ways to address the backlog." Their "best" idea so far is to militarize the economy. "One person with knowledge of the matter said the White House has not considered activating the National Guard at a federal level but could instead work through states to deploy service members," reported MSN. Given the logistical challenges involved with such a plan, many are wondering how deploying National Guard troops to address supply chain bottlenecks would realistically help to get things moving. "White House officials have weighed whether members of the guard could drive trucks amid a shortage of operators, or if they could be used to help unload packages and other materials at ports or other clogged parts of the supply chain," MSN explained about one idea that is being thrown around. "As part of the review, White House officials have studied what kinds of driver's licenses are held by National Guard members and if they would be sufficient to deploy them as truckers without hurting their ability to fulfill their existing responsibilities to the guard, the people said."

If Biden would just end the covid vaccine mandates, things could get back to normal

There would not even be a supply chain problem if China Joe would just stop trying to force Americans to get "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Joe's mandates are causing many to quit, go on strike, or be fired, which is contributing to a nationwide worker shortage. The Biden regime recently announced plans to keep the Port of Los Angeles open for "24 hours a day, seven days a week," however insiders say that this was already the case before the Chinese Virus appeared. Despite this announcement, neither the Port of Los Angeles nor the Port of Long Beach are functioning as they should during normal hours, let alone around the clock. Because of this, large shipping barges are having to just float off the coast with no estimated timeline for docking and unloading. Both the Labor Department and the Agriculture Department are said to be working on new ways to help the agriculture sector export their goods. The Transportation Department is also attempting to issue more commercial vehicle licenses to help resolve the trucker shortage. "The challenge is that many industrial and consumer goods rely on truly global supply chains, and the production and distribution that occurs within the United States involves thousands of private firms," said Kevin DeGood, director of infrastructure policy at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a think tank that more often than not supports whatever Biden is saying or doing. "There isn't one pinch point but many that fall mostly outside the direct control of governments." Pete Buttigieg, who heads up the Transportation Department, has been on paternity leave with his "husband" for several months now. However, he recently chimed in about how his agency is "constantly going to reevaluate all our options" about how to "fix" the problem. The latest news about Biden's engineered collapse of the U.S. economy due to "covid" can be found at Sources for this article include: