YouTube targeting, banning "Let's Go Brandon!" hit rap video, other materials, because it's offensive to Biden: They are all welcome at
By jdheyes // 2021-10-26
There are several reasons why Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, developed and founded, one of the world's fastest-growing video-hosting sites: As an independent publisher for many years, Adams knows about and understands the value of the First Amendment's free speech and expression protections. Unlike other social media platforms that are run by abject leftists, Adams knows that a truly free society cannot remain as such without Americans of differing -- even widely offensive -- views being able to express themselves in public forums. That is especially true for political discourse. Whether Americans like politics or not, politicians nevertheless debate, pass and implement laws that affect everyone, so it's better to be involved than not. These days, that includes participation in the new 'virtual town square' of social media. Only, the leftist corporatists who run the biggest platforms have their political favorites -- and they aren't Republicans. The platforms were especially hostile to then-President Donald Trump, waiting for any excuse they could find to kick him off (he's founded his own platform now -- Truth Social, though it has not officially launched yet). That includes Google-owned YouTube, of course, which is now targeting an obscenely popular rap video based on a derogatory, non-complimentary slogan aimed at Joe Biden. You may have seen video clips of fans at college football games, patrons at nightclubs and bars, and people at other venues shouting "F**k Joe Biden!" A 'cleaner' version of that insult is "Let's Go Brandon," and BizPac Review explains how this latter version came about: The cleaner version was popularized by critics of the president after an NBC Sports reporter appeared to misunderstand what was being shouted in the stands following a NASCAR race when she was interviewing the race winner, Brandon Brown. The crowd was chanting “F**k Joe Biden,” according to video posted online, but she 'mistook' it for “Let’s go, Brandon!” And a new slogan was born. Rap star Loza Alexander, who has lampooned other political leaders as well, decided to title a new release "Let's Go Brandon" which, of course, is directed at Biden, but for some reason (!) YouTube just didn't think the content was appropriate. “YouTube has banned ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ song from YouTube due to ‘medical information,'" Christian rapper Bryson Gray noted on Twitter last week regarding his version of the song. “What medical misinformation is in the song? Whoa.” Medical information? Oh, right -- because Alexander was critical of Biden's COVID actions in his song. News of the rapper's being banned comes amid additional new reports that, as we have suspected all along, Facebook has been banning and censoring conservative and independent content because the little Stalinists who work there don't like diversity of opinion -- meaning, anything they disagree with is labeled "misinformation" and thus 'harmful' and must be banned. Breitbart was singled out in particular, according to internal communications seen by The Wall Street Journal, but it was by no means the only site censored. “The documents reviewed by the Journal didn’t render a verdict on whether bias influences its decisions overall,” the paper said. “They do show that employees and their bosses have hotly debated whether and how to restrain right-wing publishers, with more-senior employees often providing a check on agitation from the rank and file. The documents viewed by the Journal, which don’t capture all of the employee messaging, didn’t mention equivalent debates over left-wing publications.” Again, these videos and others are welcome at Sources include: