Biden's vaccine mandate set to worsen supply chain crisis as scores of truckers, already in short supply, contemplate walking away
By jdheyes // 2021-10-27
Sometimes presidents make incorrect decisions because they either did not have enough information or because they simply chose wrong. Such unforced errors are part of being human; presidents, with all of their experience and all of their advisers, are not infallible. But other times, presidents make decisions that are so obviously wrong you have to wonder if they did so on purpose because they are trying to achieve a predetermined outcome -- like societal collapse. Yes, it's difficult for most Americans to believe that their president is someone who would work against their own country intentionally, and yet that is exactly what Joe Biden appears to be doing with his tyrannical, unscientific COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Case in point: The country is already in the throes of a supply chain crisis which began as a result of literally shutting the world economy down (for no good reason -- the virus spread and killed anyway because that is what viruses do), but Biden's vax mandate is leading truck drivers around the country to choose between it and leaving the industry altogether, with many set to choose the latter option, the Epoch Times reported this week. The outlet notes: American truckers don’t like taking orders. But the Biden administration has increased pressure on some of them to take the vaccine—willing or unwilling. All through the pandemic, truckers endured hardships to keep America’s infrastructure running. They waited in line for hours in sight of bathrooms they weren’t allowed to use. On the road, some died alone of COVID-19. Now, with supply chains disrupted, Americans need them more than ever. But faced with the prospect of mandated vaccination, many drivers are considering quitting. “I’d fight it,” said veteran truck driver Mike Widdins, referring to a mandate. “I think a lot of us will be quitting. Who likes to be forced to do stuff you don’t want to do?” The drivers' sentiments come after Biden announced in early September that companies with 100 or more employees would have to mandate they get the jab, though it is completely unclear as to why the regime settled on companies with at least 100 employees and not all businesses, period (though that, too, is unconstitutional). He reiterated his demand earlier this month when he announced that the rule would be coming through the Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) via a little-used 'emergency health' provision. But to not make any exceptions for the time being at least to industries like trucking, dockworkers, warehouse staff and even retailers, all of whom are vital cogs in the supply chain, is just idiotic. And it's almost as though Biden's handlers want to crash our economy and tank our country. “Truck drivers spend most of their work hours alone in the cab of a truck—literally one of the safest places possible during a pandemic—so why do they need to be regulated in this way?” Barbara Smithers, vice president of the Indiana Motor Truck Association, told The Epoch Times in an email. “Testing hundreds of thousands of truck drivers moving across the country every day is a virtual impossibility.” And let's not forget that as the pandemic began and we still did not know what kind of virus we were dealing with, truckers were among our first responders and frontline workers keeping our shelves stocked and our mouths fed. Now Biden and his handlers want to punish them along with cops, firefighters, medics and healthcare workers for practicing the same mantra as abortion 'rights' supporters do: "My body, my choice." Our country's survival, as it was founded, is literally at stake now. People have said that before but it's obvious by now that the militant Marxist left running things are using the COVID pandemic as a pathway to tyrannical power. They must be stopped. Sources include: