FDA trying to hide data showing Pfizer's covid "vaccine" is seriously injuring children
By ethanh // 2021-10-27
The parents of a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine"-injured child have come forward to warn that nobody in the federal government seems to care one iota about the damage being caused by these shots. Stephanie and Patrick de Garay's 12-year-old daughter Maddie, along with her two brothers, were enrolled in a Pfizer injection trial that left poor Maddie severely damaged. Prior to getting injected, Maddie was "healthy, energetic" and "full of life," but then everything changed. Within 24 hours of getting her second "dose," young Maddie was "reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed here in the emergency room where she described feeling like someone was 'ripping [her] heart out through [her] neck.'" Maddie's health problems continued for months, causing her to have to be hospitalized several times with "numerous systemic injuries" which left her having to eat and take medicine through a tube. Maddie is also now bound to a wheelchair. Stephanie took careful notes of everything her daughter suffered as a result of the Pfizer shots and reported it to the principal investigator at Cincinnati Children's Hospital (CCH) where the trial took place. Their response? Maddie is "a mental patient" who is making it all up in her head. (RELATED: WATCH as Maddie's mother testifies about how the Pfizer jab ruined her daughter.) After CCH denied that the Pfizer injections caused Maddie's health problems, her parents went to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Their response? Well, neither agency actually gave one. "Ms. de Garay reported what occurred to the CDC and FDA through VAERS in June 2021 but nobody from these agencies sought additional information or followed-up with the de Garays," reported Aaron Siri on his Substack blog. "Ms. de Garay also reached out to Dr. Nath, a Chief in the NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, who responded by stating he was 'Sorry to hear of your daughter's illness' and that 'We have certainly heard of a lot of cases of neurological complications form [sic] the vaccine and will be glad to share our experience with them.'"

Why is the federal government ignoring the covid injection genocide?

Other than a call arranged by Maddie's neurologist, the de Garays never heard a work back from the National Institutes of Health or any other government agency tasked with overseeing vaccine-caused injuries and deaths. The FDA's job is to keep track of this type of thing, and the same goes for the CDC. These two agencies are responsible for maintaining and responding to the reports compiled in the government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Neither of these agencies is doing its job, though. The FDA, the CDC, the NIH and Pfizer are all refusing to even acknowledge that Pfizer's injections for the Wuhan Flu are causing health problems in children, which are Big Pharma's next mass vaccination target. "Putting aside that one serious injury in a small trial should alone raise blaring alarm bells, one must ask: What other serious adverse events have been hidden and ignored by regulators?" asks Siri. "If what Maddie suffered will occur in 1/1,000 children, that would result in 75,000 children in this country suffering this serious injury. If it happens in 1/10,000 children, that is 7,500 suffering this serious injury. It could be that the cure is worse than the disease. But that will only be known if there is a properly powered (a.k.a., sized) clinical trial with children. " More of the latest news stories about the many injuries and deaths that are being caused by Chinese Virus injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: AaronSiri.substack.com NaturalNews.com