Gov. Ivey of Alabama signs executive order challenging Biden's covid injection "mandate"
By ethanh // 2021-10-29
On Monday, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed an executive order challenging contested "president" Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandates. The federal mandate, which demands that all employees of the government, including government contractors, as well as private businesses that employ more than 100 employees, "rest[s] on dubious grounds" and "constitute[s] significant federal overreach," Kay wrote in her order. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has not yet finalized this so-called "Emergency Temporary Standard," at least for private employers, but Ivey is already getting ahead of the game by ordering all state agencies to just ignore Biden's mandates and instead "cooperate to the fullest extent possible" with Attorney General Steve Marshall. The order also directs all state entities to exclude any mention of a jab mandate in their agreements with contractors. As far as the state of Alabama is concerned, in other words, the Biden edict concerning Chinese Virus injections does not exist. "If the federal government presses on with these new federal mandates, then the Biden White House has once again failed the American people," Ivey announced in an accompanying news release. "As I have stated, no doubt, this will be challenged in federal courts. I am already working in concert with Attorney General Steve Marshall, because Alabama is standing firm in this fight."

Don't be fooled: Kay Ivey is still part of the problem

Ivey went on to condemn Biden's "illegal overreach," emphasizing that she is "confident we will win the battle in the courts." She is not content with simply having a state law, but rather wants to set a legal precedent that other states can use to fight this tyranny. "A state law in response to President Biden is not enough," she says. "The courts are where this will be resolved. Today is one step in this fight but certainly not the last." This is good news for unvaccinated employees of these affected sectors in Alabama, many of whom face persecution for their non-compliance. Many are having their religious and/or medical exemptions denied, so this is welcomed news. "I'm sick and tired of being walked on," said Hunter Creger, an employee of the United Launch Alliance, which manufactures rockets for the federal government. United is one of the companies that is reportedly rejecting medical and religious exemption requests, leaving employees with no other option than to quit or be fired. "I'm an American, my family has fought for this country," Creger, a Catholic, added. "It feels like a birthright has been taken from me." Ivey's executive order joins Alabama to numerous other states, including South Dakota and Florida, that are doing the same thing. At least some of this country is trying to resist all this medical fascism, even if most of it isn't. Keep in mind, however, that Ivey is not necessarily to be trusted. While it is certainly a positive development that she signed this latest order, it is important to remember that back in the summer she was telling people to blame the unvaccinated for the continued spread of the Fauci Flu. In many ways, Ivey presents as a RINO (Republican in Name Only) and a political opportunist who probably realized that her statements about blaming the unvaccinated did not go over so well with Alabamans. Whatever the case may be, this is a small victory for health freedom for which unvaccinated Alabamans who work in affected sectors can be thankful, no matter the impetus behind it. "I could be mistaken, but isn't this the same Kay Ivey who accused people refusing the poison to be irresponsible spreaders of the 'virus?'" asked one commenter at LifeSiteNews, making this same point. The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Sources for this article include: