Children 5-11 do NOT need "unnecessary" covid vaccines, warn experts
By ethanh // 2021-10-29
Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children's Health Defense (CHD) Scientific Advisory Panel, is warning that Pfizer lied about the safety and efficacy data for its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" trial involving young children. To make the case to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that children aged 5-11 need to get injected with spike protein poison, Pfizer excluded some of the children who participated in it from the final results. "Three thousand children received Pfizer's covid vaccine, but only 750 children were selectively included in the company's safety analysis," Nass revealed. "Studies in the 5-11 age group are essentially the same as the 12-15 group – in other words, equally brief and unsatisfying, with inadequate safety data and efficacy data, with no strong support for why this type of immuno-bridging analysis is sufficient. All serious adverse events were considered unrelated to the vaccine." While meeting with the FDA, Pfizer argued that children as young as five need to get injected for the Deep State Virus, even though no attempt was made to even assess so-called "asymptomatic transmission," which has long been used as an excuse to keep the tyranny going forever. One of the advisory committee's members, Dr. Ofer Levy, petitioned Pfizer for evidence showing that its injection prevents actual transmission of Chinese Germs. Pfizer was unable to present such evidence because it does not exist. Dr. William Gruber, Pfizer's senior vice president of clinical research and development, indicated that his company did not assess this at all. When pressed further about the issue, Gruber basically admitted that Pfizer is just making a baseless claim about this issue without evidence.

How did the FDA conduct a proper risk-benefit analysis of the Pfizer injection if it never even looked at the VAERS under-reporting factor?

Another thing that Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, wants to know is how the FDA advisory panel that recommended the Pfizer injection was able to do so when said panel never even conducted a proper risk-benefit analysis? In order to do so, the FDA panel would have had to take a look at the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System's (VAERS) under-reporting factor (URF), which it did not do. "How can you do a risk-benefit of analysis of COVID vaccines if you don't know the URF?" Kirsch asked poignantly. "This is extremely, extremely important. You have been assuming it has been one. It is not one. Using a URF of 41, which is calculated using CDC methodology, we find over 300,000 excess deaths in VAERS. If the vaccine didn't kill these people, what did?" Kirsch also wants to know how many more Americans have to die before the FDA and other deep state players pull the plug on this mass deception operation? Or was that the point of it all along: to kill as many people as possible with these injections? "There is no emergency and Covid-19 is exceedingly treatable," Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist and biologist, stated plainly to the panel. Rose co-authored a peer-reviewed study which found that myocarditis rates were significantly higher in people aged 13 to 23 within the eight weeks after the injections were first rolled out. "In an act of censorship, this paper has been temporarily removed and it has now been killed without criticism of the work," Rose further explained. She added that tens of thousands of reports have been submitted to VAERS, even for newborn children. At least 60 children died from the jabs, and 23 of them were less than two years old. The latest news coverage about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at Sources for this article include: