Gov. DeSantis to reward unvaccinated police officers who relocate to Florida
By matthewdavisdw // 2021-10-29
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to reward unvaccinated police officers who will relocate to the Sunshine State in defiance of vaccine mandates. DeSantis told Maria Bartiromo of the "Sunday Morning Features" on Fox News that he is working on legislation to help police officers who defied the vaccine mandates. DeSantis added that he is now "actively working" to recruit out-of-state police officers who have been fired or placed on unpaid leave for refusing to receive the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. "We're actually actively working to recruit out-of-state law enforcement, because we do have needs in our police and our sheriff's departments. So, in the next legislative session, I'm going to hopefully sign legislation that gives a $5,000 bonus to any out-of-state law enforcement that relocates in Florida," DeSantis said. "So, NYPD, Minneapolis, Seattle, if you're not being treated well, we will treat you better here. You can fill important needs  for us, and we will compensate you as a result.'' (Related: 65% of San Diego's police force might quit due to covid vaccine mandate.)

Biden's vaccine mandates unconstitutional

The Republican governor described President Joe Biden's vaccine mandates as "unconstitutional." "Biden's mandates will wreak havoc in the economy, because even if a small percentage of these folks end up losing their jobs or voluntarily walking away, you're going to have huge disruptions in medical, in logistics, in law enforcement," DeSantis said. During a recent CNN town hall,  Biden said that law enforcement and emergency personnel should be fired if they do not comply with vaccine mandates. "Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines? And if not, should they be stay at home or let go?" CNN's political commentator Anderson Cooper asked the president.

"Yes and yes. By the way, by the way, I waited until July to talk about mandating because I tried everything else possible," responded Biden. "The mandates are working."

He added: "All this stuff about people leaving and people getting it, you have everyone from United Airlines to Spirit, all these airlines, 96 to 97 percent of the people have gotten the vaccine. "All the talk about all these folks who are going to leave the military if they're mandated. Not true. You got about a 90-plus percent vaccination rate."

Federal employees sue Biden, top agency officials

The Washington-based Federal Practice Group filed a complaint against Biden and top agency officials in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Oct. 19, on behalf of more than 50 federal employees who are against the vaccine mandates. The Department of Homeland Security has 20 employees listed in the lawsuit, more than any other federal department or independent agency. All federal workers face a Nov. 22 deadline to be fully vaccinated, which is considered complete two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot. "In rushing to force COVID-19 vaccinations on the federal workforce, the president's edicts violate longstanding statutory prohibitions against inoculations with unlicensed vaccines, as well as the individual rights of government employees and contractors under the "Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act," the complaint stated. "Accordingly, plaintiffs who are representative of nearly every Federal Agency respectfully request relief from this Court in the form of injunctive relief stopping this illegal and unnecessarily broad and wide-ranging program." Feds for Medical Freedom, a coalition organizing the federal workers behind the lawsuit, asked the court to block Biden's policy from taking effect next month. "On the basis that the mandates, as written and being implemented, are unlawful, federal employees are asking the judicial system to issue an order that prevents the mass firings of dedicated public servants," Feds for Medical Freedom wrote on its website. According to the lawsuit, the Biden administration violated three levels of federal workers' rights. (Related: US soldiers sue federal agencies over military's COVID-19 vaccine requirements.) First, Biden's order that employees receive full doses of the vaccine or face termination does not allow for a case-by-case review and employer accommodations, and requires the government to unlawfully inquire about each person's medical history; second, the firing employees on a perceived disability is illegal; and third, Biden's action goes against the informed consent principles of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which states that all U.S. citizens have the right to accept or refuse medicines authorized under "emergency use" without having to worry about losing their job. The complaint also cited the natural immunity that unvaccinated federal employees may have gotten through infection. "The internet is replete with multiple studies confirming the lasting immunity to COVID-19 experienced by individuals who have previously contracted COVID-19. One notable study is from the Cleveland Clinic, which found that individuals previously infected with COVID-19 did not suffer reinfection, and that ultimately, individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination," the complaint noted. Follow for more news and information related to vaccine mandates and coronavirus vaccines. Sources include: