Facebook, YouTube censor Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for pointing out that covid vaccines destroy immune function
By matthewdavisdw // 2021-10-29
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro got censored by Facebook after he posted a video saying that statistics and data proved that those who received Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines ended up with what looked like Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). According to Facebook, the video was removed because its "policies don't allow claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people." Alphabet's YouTube took the same step later, saying the video had violated its medical disinformation policy. But Bolosano merely shared concerns after reading the data provided by government officials in the U.K. and what happened raised a very important issue – those unwilling to go along with the official narrative will be silenced and censored. In his article for SHTFplan.com, Mac Slavo said that "whether the information is true or not, the free flow of information will always be a cornerstone of basic human rights and everybody should be able to hear, read or otherwise absorb any information we wish and decide for ourselves if it rings true to us or not." (Related: Facebook censorship board member: Free speech is not a human right.) "That's discernment and it will take critical thinking. Since the political overlords want obedient slaves, they will silence those who promote the idea of thinking for themselves. What we do with that information and how we interpret the data is on us," Slavo wrote. However, Slavo noted that Bolsonaro must also be unmasked. "He's a member of the ruling class. He is promoting the idea that COVID-19 does exist when there is far more evidence out there that they simply renamed the common cold so people would be scared into taking a shot." In 2020, Bolsonaro tested positive for COVID-19. He praised hydroxychloroquine for helping limit his symptoms. Earlier this year, the Brazilian president vowed not to take any COVID-19 vaccine despite pledging to work to inoculate Brazilians. "This story makes little sense, almost like it was scripted to read this way as some kind of a psychological operation," noted Slavo, who stressed that everybody must stay alert and don't trust any ruler. "Never put anything past them. This guy vowed to vaccinate the entirety of Brazil. They are all working against us."

Over 32,000 Brazilians died following COVID-19 vaccination

Meanwhile, reports emerged that over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection during a five-month period. Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca-Oxford, Pfizer-BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen and Butanvac. Despite the high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report stated: "Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease." These cases of deaths following COVID-19 injections might actually be underreported. Brazil's state news agency reported in July that in the small state of Distrito Federal, at least 711 died after taking the first experimental vaccine, while another 263 people died after taking two doses. (Related: Rising coronavirus infection and death rates plague India and Brazil, following covid vaccine rollouts in both countries.) Brazil's state news agency also admitted that vaccination does not prevent reinfection or the evolution to more serious conditions, including death. Thus, Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga stressed the importance of following health protocol during the pandemic. "We are always alerting people to wear masks, wash their hands, use alcohol gel and avoid crowds. Even if we are vaccinated, we can acquire the virus and have complications," he said. Follow Censorship.news for more news related to Big Tech censorships. Sources include: SHTFplan.com Vaccineimpact.com