14 attorneys general use foreign hate group's DISINFO against whistleblowing US citizens exercising 1st Amendment right
When a shadowy, foreign dark money group sows disinformation by falsely and deliberately accusing U.S. citizens of "harming the public" for exercising their First Amendment rights, including blowing the whistle on government and corporate agendas that boldly deny the health risks associated with increasingly coercive medical interventions like experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, what do you call this highly Machiavellian ploy?
(Article by Sayer Ji republished from
Perhaps a word like
meta-disinformation would suffice to describe the convoluted web of lies, diversions and projections being spun under the newly coined slur
"the disinformation dozen" in order to blame the would-be victims of the very "information crimes" being perpetrated upon them by an organization calling itself the "Center for Countering Digital Hate" (CCDH).
Indeed, the
London-based shadowy front group, which has ties to the
Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss-funded Center for American Progress, exhibits Orwellian behavior that has been
previously called out as an exact match for the U.K. government's Commission for Countering Extremism's definition of
hateful extremism. It also perfectly fits Merriam-Webster's definition of disinformation:
: false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth"

Despite the tens of thousands of defamatory articles that can now be found distributed throughout the global media citing the so-called "disinformation dozen" as the primary source of "dangerous misinformation," in August 2021, the CCDH was called out by Monika Bickert, Facebook's vice president of content policy, for spreading a
"faulty narrative,
" "without any evidence,
" that contends there are only 12 people, myself included, who are responsible for 73% of the "antivaccine" content on Facebook.
According to her post:
"In fact, these 12 people are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they've shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people." [bold added]
Bickert explains further:
"The report upon which the faulty narrative is based analyzed only a narrow set of 483 pieces of content over six weeks from only 30 groups, some of which are as small as 2,500 users. They are in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines in the past months on Facebook.
Further, there is no explanation for how the organization behind the report identified the content they describe as "anti-vax" or how they chose the 30 groups they included in their analysis. There is no justification for their claim that their data constitute a "representative sample" of the content shared across our apps." [bold added]
The Center for Countering Digital Hate's defamatory and false claims serve as potent vectors of disinformation by attempting to use both the global media and government officials to distract the world's attention
from the fact that there are not just 12 but many millions of people speaking up against medical mandates and raising concerns that mRNA vaccines (and the global vaccination agenda, as a whole) have risks and efficacy issues that constitute a serious public health threat --
especially in the absence of the mandatory medical ethical principle of informed consent.
These basic questions around vaccine safety, risks and efficacy are no longer allowed to be discussed via Big Tech platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Only last week, YouTube announced that all "antivaccine" content would be removed from their platform. And by "antivaccine" YouTube means anything that has not been approved by the World Health Organization as consistent with their narrative and agenda.

As I
documented in detail here, there have now been thousands of mainstream media articles written where CCDH's defamatory statements, and their weaponized construct the "disinformation dozen," have been recycled and promulgated verbatim without any fact-checking or reference to Facebook's statement that CCDH's claims were never true.

So egregious is CCDH's brand of disinformation that their most fundamental claim, namely that only 12 people are solely responsible for 73% of the "antivaccine" content on Facebook,
is literallyoff by four orders of magnitude (.05% vs 73%), as cited by the CCDH's primary referenced source of information for their
notorious report: Facebook itself.
And technically, CCDH's disinformation is even more outlandish because the .05% of the vaccine-related content that they do attribute to our accounts was not identified to be explicitly "antivaccine" or "misinformation" as they claim.

Yet, CCDH's PR tactics thus far include their CEO Imran Ahmed stating that the individuals he is villifying and attacking are " ...
killing people with their misinformation" and "selling death" [
podcast statements made at 21:00 and 44:29 minutes], words that were
parroted by President Biden himself in July 2021. One might ask how a shadowy front group like CCDH, whose funding sources and top shot callers have yet to be declared, can manage to insert their talking points and narrative into the mouth of presumably the most powerful leader of the most powerful nation in the world?
Click to read the article.
The latest metastatic amplification of CCDH's demonstrably false accusations can be found in a letter sent October 15 by Connecticut's state attorney general William Tong to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. It was signed by 13 other state attorneys general and opens with the following statement:
"Dear Mr. Zuckerberg: We, the undersigned attorneys general, are extremely concerned with the recent
reports that your company maintained a "whitelist" of users under the project name "XCheck." Our concerns center around whether this list contained members of the so-called "
Disinformation Dozen," those individuals who spread falsehoods and mislead Americans about the safety of the coronavirus vaccines, and in doing so, are threatening the health of our communities.
As noted in a
previous letter to you and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, these 12 individuals are responsible for almost two thirds of false or misleading content regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccine content across social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram."
You'll find that each and every one of the 14 state attorneys general who signed this letter are lending their support to the same original lies and disinformation created and perpetuated by CCDH, without reference to any verifiable facts. By adding their names to this narrative and further reifying statements like these -- "those individuals who spread falsehoods and mislead Americans about the safety of the coronavirus vaccines, and in doing so, are threatening the health of our communities" -- these public servants are further amplifying the reputational harms being done to the those named.
They're participating in a Transatlantic witchhunt to identify, isolate, discredit and further encumber and violate Americans exercising their basic human, civil, religious and Constitutionally protected rights.
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