JAB ROULETTE: Some covid "vaccine" lots found to be far deadlier than others
By ethanh // 2021-11-02
A new investigation has uncovered data showing that certain lots of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" are deadlier than others. These extra-deadly lots were distributed all across the United States, not just to one area or region. Many of them were also introduced early on, around the time of the Capitol "insurrection." This data is publicly available, though hard to retrieve because of how it is entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It is there for those with the know-how to parse it, though. The Burning Platform picked it apart using a system called Postgres. Using this method, it was revealed that the death distribution across lots of both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech injections is all over the map. Some lots of the jabs were extremely deadly while others saw almost no deaths, at least not very many that were reported. This could be chalked up to reporting errors, or perhaps some batches were just more dangerous than others. "We do not have reliable information about standard lot size, but news articles indicate an average lot size of 1000 vials (approx. 6000 doses)," reported The Expose, which is credited with drawing attention to these anomalies. "The highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the influenza vaccine was 26. Which makes it all the more shocking to discover that the highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine up to October 15th 2021 was 3,563, and this isn't an anomaly."

VAERS intentionally obscures vax lots to make correlating injuries and deaths nearly impossible

Unfortunately, it is difficult to extract the data and make sense of it because the VAERS database was intentionally constructed in such a way as to disassociate injuries and deaths from specific vaccine lots. It requires extra effort, in other words, to match it all up and make sense of it. Fortunately, The Burning Platform put in the work and presented it in such a way as to present a clearer picture of the situation. "... the data is across two tables and uncorrelated as VAERS releases it and there is no quick-and-easy reporting on their site that groups events on a comparative basis by lot number," the site explains. "While it is possible to do this sort of analysis from their webpage it's not easy." Postgres made it possible, though, and now the cat is out of the bag. There is clearly an overrepresentation of deaths in just a few of the injection lots, while the vast majority are reporting much fewer deaths. This is true for both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, just to be clear. Both brands of jab have a similarly anomalous distribution of deaths among a wide swatch of injection lots, suggesting that some serious funny business is taking place. "You're going to try to tell me that the CDC, NIH and FDA don't know about this?" The Burning Platform asks. "I can suck this data into a database, run 30 seconds of queries against it and instantly identify a wildly-elevated death and hazard rate associated with certain lot numbers when the distribution of those associations should be normal, or at least something close to it, across all the lots produced and used?" Most of the lots have single-digit death numbers attached to them, while a smaller handful contain the bulk of them. This is far from even "sort of close" when it comes to the outcome distribution. A more in-depth analysis of all this is available at The Burning Platform. The latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: TheExpose.uk TheBurningPlatform.com NaturalNews.com