Twisted logic! Biden energy sec: "Rising fuel prices" are why we have to "double down" on radical green policies
By newseditors // 2021-11-03
Jennifer Granholm was a disaster as governor of Michigan and used the same disastrous policies as Biden’s Energy Secretary. Common sense isn’t in Granholm’s wheelhouse. One example of her lack of common sense happened Sunday morning when she said “rising fuel prices” are why we have to double down on radical green policies. (Article by Leisa Audette republished from The clip below reveals just how twisted the logic is with Granholm, who puts political ideology over doing what makes sense: She also blamed the lack of supply that Biden created for rising fuel prices: The Biden administration killed the energy independence that Trump worked so hard to achieve. Blaming a lack of supply on anything but Biden policies is a lie.  Granholm has to carry the water for Biden as his energy secretary, but this is ridiculous. Read more at: