Goofball AP journalist tried to breach federal law and airline protocol after she said she heard pilot say, 'Let's Go Brandon!'
By jdheyes // 2021-11-04
Joe Biden hasn't been in office a year yet and already he has generated not one, but two popular insult phrases, which has got to be some kind of record. It took George W. Bush well into his second term to earn the ridiculing moniker of "Decider-in-chief" after saying in 2006 about who gets to remain in his administration, "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best. It took Biden roughly seven months -- the start of the college football season -- to earn his first ridiculing phrase, "F**k Joe Biden!" That insult took a twist not long afterward, when "Let's Go, Brandon!" was born, per BizPac Review which explained both: The phrase comes from an NBC Sports reporter’s interview with NASCAR’s Brandon Brown after he won a race earlier this year at Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway. The crowd nearby was chanting “F**k Joe Biden!” which itself has become popular at sporting events and other venues, but the reporter appeared to mistake the chant for “Let’s go, Brandon!” The latter phrase is now often used to push back on the president without employing the more vulgar version. The 'cleaner' and less profane version of the insult has really taken off with supporters of our real president, Donald Trump. But boy, has both of the Biden insults really ticked off the left, and especially those left-wing buffoons in the media -- so much so that one journalist with The Associated Press is lucky she's not behind bars right now on a federal aviation felony violation, as noted by Information Liberation: An AP journalist who claims she heard a Southwest Airlines pilot say "Let's Go, Brandon" while greeting passengers over the public address system sought to breach the cockpit to speak with the pilot over his speech crime. "TFW you're trying to go on vacation and then the pilot says the very thing you're working on over the loud speaker [sic] and you have to try to get him comment [sic] but then almost get removed from plane," AP's Colleen Long said on Twitter. "Also in defense of airline I was asking them to open locked cock pit [sic] and probably sounded insane!" Yes, she's a journalist and there were two misspellings in that tweet. But beyond that, the idea that she was triggered to the point of nearly committing a felony act over a ridicule moniker directed at Biden just goes to show the lunacy of the left-wing media and the lengths they will go to in order to protect the most brain-addled president ever to sit in the Oval Office. Because think about it: What would have been the point of getting the pilot's comment anyway? Why is what he said over the plane's intercom system even a story, to begin with? "On Friday morning on a Southwest flight from Houston to Albuquerque, the pilot signed off his greeting over the public address system with the phrase, to audible gasps from some passengers," Long said in her story. Later, she posted some updates, including a passage that indicated she was attempting to get the pilot in trouble with the airline. "The airline did respond: 'Southwest Team takes pride in providing a welcoming, comfortable, and respectful environment for the millions of Customers who fly with the airline each year and behavior from any individual that is divisive or offensive is not condoned," she noted on Twitter. She went on to provide us all with some very important context regarding this all-important 'story.' "A portion of the U.S. was already angry well before the Brandon moment. …. But anger has now moved beyond die-hard Trump supporters, said Stanley Renshon, a political scientist and psychoanalyst at the City University of New York," she tweeted. Thanks for the update, Ms. Long. We'll all sleep better at night knowing you're 'on' this important, breaking 'story.' This is why most Americans don't find our media believable or serious. Sources include: