NASA head says we’re probably not alone in the universe
By isabelle // 2021-11-05
Bill Nelson, the head of NASA, said recently that he believes we are not alone in the universe. In an interview with the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, he shared his view about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Speaking to politics professor Larry Sabato, he stated: “My personal opinion is that the universe is so big, and now, there are even theories that there might be other universes. If that’s the case, who am I to say that planet Earth is the only location of a life form that is civilized and organized like ours?” “Are there other planet Earths out there? I certainly think so, because the universe is so big.” Nelson has been an advocate for space programs throughout his political career. He served as a Florida House Representative as well as a Senator and even traveled to space in 1986 on board the Columbia space shuttle. He also discussed the 300-plus sightings of unidentified flying objects that have been reported by Navy pilots since 2004. Many of these encounters involved mysterious flying objects that maneuvered in extraordinary ways within restricted airspace. He said that we just don't know what these objects were and that these are topics worth exploring. He said that after speaking to the naval aviators who saw the craft, he is convinced they “saw something and their radars locked onto it.”

Hundreds of UFO sightings that can't be explained

The U.S. government has become more forthcoming about pilots' encounters with UFOs, and it was even the subject of a Pentagon report that was released in June that stated the military cannot explain 143 sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported between 2004 and 2021. Although it stopped short of saying the sightings proved the existence of aliens, it did not discount the possibility. It also put forth several other possible explanations, such as the UFOs representing advanced technology from countries like China or Russia or some sort of natural phenomenon. Nelson said: “We hope it’s not an adversary here on Earth that has that kind of technology." Former CIA Director John Brennan has also speculated that these UFOs could “constitute a different form of life,” while former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that some UFOs have shown technology that we don’t have and cannot defend against. Ratcliffe, Senator Mitt Romney, and several others with access to classified information have ruled out the possibility that these phenomena were the work of foreign powers with great technological prowess or even highly classified American technology. One video we know the Pentagon has contains 23 minutes of footage of UFOs moving in a highly unusual pattern. According to the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and a leading UFO authority, Lue Elizondo, the footage circulated within the American intelligence community. He used terms like "extremely compelling “and “perplexing” to describe the video, which was recorded between 2008 and 2012 and shows craft moving in patterns that humans cannot understand. Elizondo said the craft looked large enough to accommodate several beings the size of humans. It has not been released publicly, and he said it would leave viewers “rattled” if they saw it.

NASA is searching for extraterrestrial life

Nelson said that NASA is searching for extraterrestrial life. “What do you think we’re doing on Mars? We’re looking for life. This is a part of NASA’s mission,” he stated. He also said that the possibility of intelligent life existing in the universe beyond Earth drives home the importance of caring for our planet. He said he feels his mission is “to be a better steward of this planet and be a better citizen of planet Earth.” Sources for this article include: