Biden's covid "vaccine" mandate for TSA workers threatens to disrupt air travel and compromise security
By ethanh // 2021-11-08
A group of top Republican congressmen has voiced concerns about fake "president" Joe Biden's pending Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandate for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers. Nearly half of the TSA workforce has yet to get jabbed, it turns out, which means that once the deadline arrives there could end up being far fewer screeners available to work at American airports. Air travel operations are likely to become even more disrupted than they already are due to this impending lack of staff. (RELATED: Southwest, American, and other domestic airlines are already having to cancel flights because pilots and staff are refusing the injections.) In a letter to TSA Administrator David Pekoske, these congressmen requested that he provide updates about the situation as it evolves. They also want to know whether or not Pekoske has a contingency plan in the event that half of all TSA workers are no longer allowed to work due to being unvaccinated. "Unfortunately, it appears TSA is headed toward a scenario in which up to 40 percent of its workforce may not be compliant with the President's Executive Order by the November 8 deadline," announced Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the ranking senator on the Transportation Committee, and Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.), the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Federal agencies ordered to start enforcing jab mandate on November 9

Back in mid-October, Pekoske told CNN that four out of every 10 TSA workers, including security screeners, had not yet received their required injections. As far as we can tell, that same figure is still true well into November. Pekoske did suggest that his agency is "building contingency plans," however those have not yet been revealed. Meanwhile, the November 8 deadline for all federal workers to get injected at "warp speed" has elapsed. At the time when Pekoske spoke to CNN, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that the vaccination status of its workers is self-reported. As usual, the Republicans asking all these questions still say they are supportive of the jabs. Their only apparent concern is that the Biden regime's mandate could cause "significant disruptions" to air travel operations. This is particularly problematic as the holiday season is fast approaching. "Such a scenario could have severe impacts on transportation security and the aviation, travel, and tourism industries," the Republicans' letter reads. "A steep decline in the number of available [security officers] to screen passengers during the upcoming holiday season could have severe impacts on our economy, including small and rural communities such as the ones we represent." The latest announcement from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) says that all federal agencies, including the TSA, should start enforcing the Biden mandate as soon as November 9. "Employees who refuse to be vaccinated or provide proof of vaccination are subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including removal or termination from Federal service," OPM Director Kiran Ahuja wrote in a memo. "The only exception is for individuals who receive a legally required exception pursuant to established agency processes." Federal contractors, meanwhile, are being told that they have until December 8 to comply with the Biden mandate. Most healthcare workers will also be required to take the jab by this same deadline. According to reports, American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, both of which are federal contractors, continue to struggle to keep planes up in the air as unvaccinated staff are forced off the job. The latest news about the Biden regime's efforts to mass-vaccinate the entire country for Chinese Germs can be found at Sources for this article include: