Aaron Rodgers apologizes despite being right about vaccines... by definition, they are ANYTHING that protects against disease
By ethanh // 2021-11-10
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is being dragged through the mud by the mainstream media for accurately claiming that he is immune to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) despite not being injected. Rodgers reportedly consulted with homeopathic doctors who worked to stimulate his immune system using other inoculation methods besides the toxic spike protein injections that much of the country is getting. After later receiving a "positive" test result for Chinese Germs, Rodgers was falsely accused of lying about his vaccination status. Truth be told, anything that provides immunity, whether out of a needle or not, constitutes a vaccine. (RELATED: Even the CDC now agrees with this.) Nothing Rodgers said was incorrect. He was, in fact, immunized with something other than an "Operation Warp Speed" needle, despite later testing "positive" with a fraudulent PCR test. Even so, he apologized to the public for statements he made "that people might have felt were misleading." "To anybody who felt misled by those comments, I take full responsibility for those comments," he stated on The Pat McAfee Show. "This has definitely been a time of a lot of reflection ... I understand that people are suffering."

Natural immunity matters

Rodgers went on to state that his accusers are a "woke mob" trying to destroy him for making a different medical decision than they did. In addition to seeing homeopathic healers, Rodgers also takes ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies, just like podcast sensation Joe Rogan did to overcome his Fauci Flu infection. "I realize I'm in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now, so before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I'd like to set the record straight on so many of the blatant lies out there," Rodgers told radio host Pat McAfee. After explaining what he did to keep himself safe and protected against the Chinese Infection, Rodgers clarified that his first priority is playing football, not engaging in political discussions. "I'm an athlete, not an activist," he stated. "I'm going to go back to do what I do best, and that's playing ball." Rodgers is reportedly allergic to the mRNA (messenger RNA) injections from both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, and does not trust the spike protein injections from Johnson & Johnson (J&J). As a supposedly free American, Rodgers has the right to take or not take these injections, regardless of what "Pedo" Joe Biden has to say about the matter. Even so, the NFL is punishing Rodgers as an "unvaccinated" player. "If the vaccine is so great, why are so many vaccinated people getting sick?" Rodgers wants to know. "If it is so safe, why do the manufacturers need legal immunity?" Even though he tested "positive," Rodgers says he "feels great" and is not suffering from anything other than stigma and criticism from the Branch Covidians. "His vaccination status is no one's business but his own," wrote one Zero Hedge commenter about Rodgers' privacy rights, which are being trampled on by the Covidists. "It's interesting that the athletes who've recently been diagnosed / tested positive are back and ready to go 1-2 weeks later – this, the most horrendous pandemic in human history," wrote another. Yet another commenter pointed out that Rodgers has never actually been sick with anything, despite his "positive" test. "Even the idiots who took the jabs can test positive," this person further wrote. "The thing is, if you get the jabs, they don't test you as much, or not at all. This gives the mistaken impression that only the unvaxxed test positive." More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: ZeroHedge.com NaturalNews.com