Data show excess mortality all around the world due to covid "vaccines"
By ethanh // 2021-11-11
Summer 2021 going into Fall 2021 is seeing a meteoric rise in all-cause mortality compared to that of the same time period in 2020. What changed? The "Operation Warp Speed" injections they are calling "vaccines" were rolled out all around the world. Every country where jab uptake is high, including in Scotland, Israel, Denmark and the United States, is seeing a massive spike in deaths from things other than "covid." The obvious culprit is the jabs, of course. The Unz Review put together an extensive analysis of the available data, which clearly shows that all-cause mortality is "mooning," so to speak. Records are being smashed in terms of death tolls, especially in areas of the world where large numbers of people took the injections. In Scotland, for instance, the government recently logged the 20th consecutive week in which excess deaths throughout the country have exceeded the five-year average. This is in a country with an 87 percent jab compliance rate so far. "Even excluding Covid deaths they were almost 20% above normal for the most recent week, and the trend is rising," relayed Alex Berenson on his Substack. Germany is in a similar quagmire with nearly 78,000 reported excess deaths, a figure 10 percent higher than what was expected. "Mortality figures (in Germany) in September 2021: 10% above the median of previous years," Berenson added.

More young people are dying from covid jabs than old people

In Denmark, Finland and Norway, "mystery" covid deaths are currently higher than ever before, even during the "worst" of the plandemic. The deaths really started spiking in these three countries immediately following the "vaccine" rollout. For five months in a row, Denmark has shattered the 10-year record of people dying from "all causes." Meanwhile, there have been basically zero deaths caused by "covid" during this time. Ireland, the United Kingdom and Israel are all posting similar alarming figures. And it just so happens that all three of these countries have extremely high "vaccination" rates. Interestingly, the worst-off demographic in all this is young people, who are dying at a much higher rate from the injections than the elderly. One would think that the opposite would be true. "While the COVID death toll has been largely confined to the elderly ... it's the young who are bearing the brunt of vaccine injury," reported LifeSiteNews, as relayed by Unz. "According to VigiAccess, the adverse event database for the World Health Organization, 41% of the more than 2.4 million vaccine injuries reported so far are among those under age 44, and just six percent are among people over age 75." It is a genocide of the young that is taking place with these injections, in other words. Not only deaths but also serious injuries are on the rise from these injections. Think things like heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, circulatory diseases and neurological issues, "the same vaccine-induced ailments we were warned about by the physicians and scientists who've been telling us the truth from the start," noted Unz's Mike Whitney. "Simply put, the vaccines are increasing fatalities, not reducing them," Whitney adds. "They are making matters worse not better." "They are perpetuating the crisis not ending it. And that is why the red line in the chart is pointing upward. It's an indication that the death toll will continue to rise as long as we continue to do what we are doing now, inoculating millions of people with a cytotoxic pathogen that triggers blood clots, inflammation and autoimmunity." The full report from Whitney is available at the Unz website. The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" genocide can be found at Sources for this article include: