Pastor Leon Benjamin and Ohio lawyer Tom Renz talk about fear and faith amid the pandemic – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-11-18
Pastor Leon Benjamin and Ohio lawyer Tom Renz talked about fear and faith amid the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the Nov. 15 episode of ''B-alert News" on Brighteon.TV. "We are in, I believe, the most important times of our history. We are living on the brink not only of a revival, but also of the full manifestation of what we know as the tyranny of the Antichrist. And we must respond accordingly – not only as Christians, but as Americans [and] patriots," said Benjamin, who met Renz at the San Antonio leg of the Clay Clark Reawaken Tour. Renz agreed with host's statement, adding that some Americans have given in to corruption and evil. "We've got people who are willing to sacrifice lives for money, power and freedom. As long as they're getting theirs, they don't care about the American people. They don't care about the working class, [those] people who are struggling to make it," Renz said. The Brighteon.TV's "Lawfare" host continued: "There's no accountability, they just do whatever they got to do. And if the rest of us all have to be sacrificed to maintain their power, so be it." Benjamin dubbed these people the "hidden elite" that stay in the shadows yet "control all the levers." He said: "If this is not the pinnacle of communism, if this is not the pinnacle of the introduction of Marxism, then I don't know what is." The pastor quoted the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities; against powers; against the rulers of the darkness of this world; [and] against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Renz: I'm a nobody who stood up and said no

The "B-alert News" host asked Renz about his background and expertise. The lawyer replied that he was just "a little nobody from a little place who said no." (Related: Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance calls for "mass civil disobedience" in response to Joe Biden’s tyrannical mandates.) Renz told Benjamin: "They said I got to put a mask on, I said no. They said I got to stay home, I said no. They said that I got to take injections, I said no. I'm nobody and I still said no. Not only have I said no, but I fought for it." According to Renz, the powers that be have used fear "from day one" to get Americans to comply. He said: "Anyone who knows anything about epidemiology … could look at this and say 'listen, this looks like it's about the flu.' [Yet] they tried to convince everybody [that] this was terrifying. "Before, we locked down in Ohio with three cases – three cases. They told us we had to stay inside our [houses] for 14 days under house arrest without due process, because we were all going to die with three cases. You know, these [COVID] modelers are scientists – guys who are supposed to know this stuff. You know what they said? It's [going to] be millions and millions of deaths. No, no, no way. "From day one, you could see this is about an equivalent to a flu, and they lied to us. They've been lying to us from day one."

Faith will overcome fear

The "Lawfare" host continued: "From the beginning, this was really about fear. Fear is the key … because [it] is a weapon of the devil. Having faith allows you to overcome fear." According to Renz, the powers that be worked hard to eliminate faith from American culture – founded on a bedrock of Judeo-Christian values. "They knew that if we weren't a moral society, our Republic would crumble. So what happened for the last 50 to 100 years [is that] they've attacked our morality … [and] our Judeo-Christian foundation," he said. Benjamin concurred with his guest, adding that the values uniting Americans of all backgrounds have been targeted. "The main [things] about who we are as Americans, all those values – family, faith, freedom, liberty, justice – have been under attack," he said. Renz mentioned that the fear-based narrative was part of a "huge psy-op" dating from the 1950s that aims to destabilize the country. He explained: "What did they do? They started to undermine our culture. They went into higher education … and started educating people away from morals, values, faith [and] family. Our families and culture have been attacked." "When you remove values from people, it becomes much easier to sow fear. If I believe [and] have faith, if I trust God, I have nothing to fear," Renz continued. The Ohio lawyer also voiced out his criticism of public health. "Public health isn't about public health. It's a great title, but the underlying principles … [are] remarkably close to socialism [and] communism. How [and] what do we do for the public good, the universal good – not for the individual." Renz mentions that many articles that show the link between public health and fear are available online, with some dating back from the 1980s. "There [are] articles … talking about the use of fear as a a tool in public health to scare [people] into submission. What they've done is they've practiced it over decades and they've mastered it. And now with COVID-19, they've implemented it just perfectly," Renz said. "America has always focused on individual rights over group rights. Groupthink is socialism and communism; individual rights is what we're based on. They sowed so much fear … [and] tried to convince us that you have to do this for the good of others. So what happened is they've broken down our values [and] taken away our faith, which has allowed the sowing of fear." (Related: Nurse whistleblower says true outbreak gripping the nation is not the coronavirus, but the "pandemic of fear" – Brighteon.TV.) Watch the full Nov. 15 episode of "B-alert News" with Tom Renz below. "B-alert News" airs every Monday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV. has more articles about how domestic enemies made use of fear to subdue the American population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sources include: