Pastor Matthew Trewhella says cowardice among Christians is a huge problem – Brighteon.TV
By matthewdavisdw // 2021-11-19
Pastor Matthew Trewhella told host Coach Dave Daubenmire during the Nov. 15 episode of "Pass the Salt" on Brighteon.TV that cowardice has become a huge problem among Christians these days. He said American Christians have become weak, soft and fat, and accommodated themselves to anything the state dishes. "The churchmen are sitting by while preborn children are being butchered and while the nation's being burnt down to the ground. Justice is lost in this nation, it's a huge problem," Trewhella said. "I always go back to the pulpits. The pulpits were faithful to Christ, the people who name His name would be true to Him. And the tyrants wouldn't be able to get away with evil." Trewhella is the author of "The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates," which tackles whether Christians are supposed to follow unrighteous government and unrighteous rulers. "The biggest problem we have with the lesser magistrates themselves is cowardice. Cowardice is a huge problem in America. And you may recall that in Revelation, it says that the first people going into hell are the cowards," he said. "If we love Christ, and we know Him, it puts grit in our heart to stand faithful to Him and to do right, and to be bothered by evil and to oppose evil." Trewella is also at the forefront of the fight against abortion, hitting the massive indifference of churchmen. "I've been involved in the battle for the preborn for over three decades. Churchmen over the years tried to dissuade me from being involved in it when I was young. When I was young minister, they told me just preach the gospel – that you can't preach the gospel and do your abortion thing. That was false," he said. "By taking the evil of the murder of these preborn babies to task, it gave me more opportunity to share the gospel with people."

No verse in the Bible that says obey civil authorities

Trewhella said there isn't one verse in the entire Bible that says obey the civil authorities. He also bared the reason for today's sad state of governance. "Christians have been banned in the realm of civil government, wicked men have filled the void. And they've made their worldview law policy and court opinion. And as you can see, it's not good. Good is now evil. Evil is now good. They've transformed everything," Trewhella said. "The duty of a Christian is to obey God rather than man. This is hugely important. This has been the standard, down through the ages. We are to obey God rather than man. That's the standard that Christians have adhered to down to the ages. That's why often, when you look at the history of the church, you see the church and the state having conflict, because our allegiance is to Christ and we do not aid and abet the evil of the tyrants." Daubenmire also asked Trewhella about the much-publicized trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. "The judge is already getting threats to his family members from the leftists. And some of the jurors are already getting threats. They don't care about justice. They don't care about truth. They've hung this young kid out to dry, who by the way, handled himself spectacularly. In a situation they found himself in," said Trewhella. These threats come as members of the mainstream media branded Rittenhouse a white supremacist vigilante before the conclusion of his trial. Former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz blasted media outlets like CNN and the New Yorker for their biased and erroneous reporting on the Rittenhouse trial. Dershowitz said the Illinois teenager charged with killing two men and wounding another during Black Lives Matter riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer "should be acquitted." "If I were a juror, I would vote that there was reasonable doubt [and] that he did act in self-defense," he said. Watch the full Nov. 15 episode of "Pass the Salt" with Coach Dave Daubenmire here:
Catch new episodes of "Pass the Salt" every Monday at 11-12 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Sources include: