COMMUNISM: Biden's pick to oversee banks literally wants to eliminate them as they currently exist and take over all "private accounts"
By jdheyes // 2021-11-22
The Marxists who are running Joe Biden's regime from behind the scenes know that power is often fleeting in the U.S. so they are working quickly to destroy as much of our society as possible in an effort to 'rebuild' it as a socialist-Communist 'paradise.' And if that sounds far-fetched and hyperbolic, then ask yourself why the regime would nominate a bona fide Communist who attended university in the USSR and is an avowed Communist to oversee our country's very capitalist banking system? Because that's who Saule Omarova, Biden's nominee to become the Comptroller of the Currency, really is. And she has said she wants to get rid of American banking as we currently know it, mostly by eliminating private bank accounts and authorizing the central government to 'manage' them instead. She made her eye-opening remarks during a virtual summit in March, clips of which have since been posted online. Speaking at the Law and Political Economy (LPE) Project’s “Law & Political Economy: Democracy Beyond Neoliberalism," she discussed one of her papers, “The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy,” which she says would “redesign” the American financial system and make the U..S economy “more equitable for everyone" -- code language for 'government redistribution of wealth' from the haves to those who have not earned it. In addition, Omarova said that the change would alter the "private-public power balance" and allegedly democratize our financial system to a more systemic level -- again, more BS drivel to mask the real goals of government control and wealth redistribution, which is what Commies and Marxists always do under the lie of "fairness." Breitbart News, which provided the video and details of her speech, reported: During her explanation of her paper, she said that the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank, can only use “indirect levers” to “induce private banks to increase their lending.” Her paper calls for eliminating all banks and transferring all bank deposits to “FedAccounts” at the Federal Reserve. During her conference speech, she said, “There will be no more private bank accounts, and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the Fed." Omarova said her proposal would give the Fed more “proactive” monetary policy tools, such as “helicopter money.” She also pondered how the Federal Reserve could “take money” from Americans during an inflationary environment. If you are a member of an American presidential administration and you're trying to convince the public that you're not a gaggle of left-wing Marxist authoritarians, why then would you literally nominate one of them to be in charge of supervising our banks? U.S. financial and economic experts know what is going on. That's why nearly two dozen state-level financial officers have already called on Biden to withdraw Omarova from consideration. The LPE is a far-left Marxist organization that serves as a medium to discuss "the role of law and legal discourse in the creation and maintenance of capitalism and in mediating tensions between capitalist order and democratic self-rule," the group says. "Scholars in our network work to understand the relationship between market supremacy and racial, gender, and economic injustice; to articulate the relationship between capitalism and devaluation of social and ecological reproduction; and to explore the distinctive ways that law gives shape to and legitimates neoliberal capitalism, ranging from dynamics of financialization to the relation between the carceral state and capitalism," [our emphasis], the group says. "We also seek to offer concrete legal reforms designed to move beyond neoliberalism and toward a genuinely responsive, egalitarian democracy, with critical attention to the need for power and movement-building as part of any such transformation." Marxists and Commies use words like "equity" and "fairness" as they pertain to "racial, gender, and economic injustice" as a means of stealing wealth and redistributing it how they see fit. They are the ultimate central state planners, and in the end, only they are empowered and enriched while the people they rule become equally miserable and destitute. Sources include: