Alex Jones warns about ongoing attempts to establish "Satanic world government" – Brighteon.TV
By arseniotoledo // 2021-11-24
Pastor David Scarlett and his guest Alex Jones talked about the ongoing attempts of the New World Order's operatives to create a "Satanic world government" during the Nov. 19 episode of "His Glory" on Brighteon.TV. According to Jones, the United Nations, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Prince Charles of Britain and many other highly influential actors and organizations are working to establish a Satanic world government. The first step in the creation of this global super state involves implanting the entire population with microchips by 2030, starting with children. Jones said governments around the world will get rid of parental rights so they can implant microchips into children without much opposition. The microchips will give governments and corporations full access to children. "That's how they're going to seduce the children. And so, the great seduction of our children has begun, just as the Bible tells us in the Old Testament and in the New Testament," Jones said. "All of it is told to us. We're warned, and now we live in a time where it's actually happening exactly as God said."

World Economic Forum a front organization of the New World Order

Jones pointed out that Schwab, the founder and current executive chairman of the WEF, is the head operative of the New World Order that is causing a lot of chaos around the world to help prepare for the coming of the Antichrist. He said that Schwab recently made a speech calling for the creation of the "Great Narrative." (Related: World Economic Forum pushing for Great Reset through a "cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics.") According to Schwab, this Great Narrative aims to create a "story for the future" that will be the "great narrative for humankind." "In order to shape the future, you have first to imagine the future. You have to design the future and then you have to execute it," said Schwab. He made these comments during a WEF meeting in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. "Here, I think the next two days, we will look at how we imagine, how we design, how we execute the Great Narrative, how we define the story of our world for the future." According to Jones, this Great Narrative is really about uniting the world under one new global religion that will supplant all other major religions, including Christianity. "Klaus Schwab openly says that they want a new one-world religion. He doesn't just call it the Great Reset, or Build Back Better when you're our leaders – Democrats mainly but all the world's socialist and communists are saying Build Back Better, Great Reset," Jones said. "He now said the Great Narrative … he said the Great Narrative is we're creating a religion of the earth and a religion of unity under one world government. But unity to do what they say, when they say, how they want. And so it's a merger of all the religions together again." According to Schwab, there are three main obstacles to the globalists' way of shaping humanity's future. The first obstacle is the individual identity and individualistic nature of people. He framed this as people becoming too "self-centered" and "egoistic." "In such a situation it is much more difficult to create a compromise because we are shaping the future, designing the future usually needs a common will of the people," he said. The second obstacle is people's sense of preparedness and survival, which was reignited thanks in part due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But Schwab framed this sense of self-preservation as people being too "crisis-focused on the pandemic." The third obstacle is the attempts to separate the government from the economy. Schwab framed this as the world being far too complex, and having separate government and business entities makes it more complicated for the WEF to supposedly collaborate with public or private organizations. Jones said it is terrifying to think about how the people living in the world today will have to go through a lot of ordeals. But he is uplifted by the fact that the many problems in the world today are bringing people closer to God. "We have to go through this whole Antichrist, world government system. It's our job not to cower from it throughout the process but to stand up and speak out during it. And that's going to be the greatest revival after the greatest falling away, which I think we've already seen the greatest coming back to God we've ever witnessed," said Jones. "This is God allowing the Devil to be the tester right now. And this is something to rejoice about, even though it's not going to be fun to watch. At the end of the day, the Holy Spirit tells me that this is going to be God's greatest triumph, and I know it is." "It is," said Scarlett. "I keep telling everybody every day, this is the greatest time in the history of the world to be alive at this moment. It's gonna be dark, but the light is coming." Watch the full Nov. 19 episode of "His Glory" with Pastor David Scarlett featuring Alex Jones here: "His Glory" with Pastor David Scarlett airs every Friday from 5-6 p.m. at Brighteon.TV. Learn more about the WEF's plans to bring about the Great Reset at Sources include: