The Health Ranger talks about humanity's awakening with Pastor Leon Benjamin – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-11-25
The Health Ranger Mike Adams talked about humanity's awakening amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the Nov. 23 episode of "Health Ranger Report" on Brighteon.TV. Adams was joined by "B-alert News" host Leon Benjamin and InfoWars founder Alex Jones in two different segments. "What I've seen is not just about the [physical] church. I'm so glad that it's not just about the church because if it's only about the church, look what has happened since this pandemic. You can shut churches down if it was just about the [physical] church," Benjamin said. Adams agreed. "What's beautiful about what's happening is that people have taken the spirit of the church home into their families, their living rooms, their kitchens [and] into their lives. We're seeing a grass-roots faith resurgence even outside many of the [physical] churches," Adams said. Benjamin, a Virginia pastor, lauded "Thrive Time Show" host Clay Clark's "amazing" efforts to bring conservative personalities and media outlets together for a bigger purpose – through the Reawaken America Conference. "They're not really conferences, they're really movements of a networking that the left and the Democrats hate. They hate this type of networking because we're coming together and it's actually being nurtured and watered, and it's growing," he said. Benjamin also stressed the importance of putting one's faith in God amid the deception. "What we don't see is the truth, [but] what we do see is the lie. The truth is that God already has a plan, and it is fully functional, fully operational," Benjamin said. "The Garden of Eden where God put Adam in came [into being] because of a word. God said, 'Let there be light.' And you mean to tell me a virus is going to shut down America? That's what I've seen evolve: The plans of the enemy are being exposed little by little." Adams commented: "People have got to stop subjugating authority to a doctor. The authority is God, [who] gave you the ability to heal yourself. I know you teach these kinds of principles, and this is what we need back in Washington – to teach people to take responsibility." In response, Benjamin mentioned how Jesus Christ healed the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda. "There was a man laying on a mat for 38 years and he was dependent upon an angel [touching] a pool of water. When [the sick] saw it bubbling, that means the angel troubled the waters. Everyone would run to it and jump in; whoever got in there first got healed," he said. "Well, this man must have been in a democracy – because every time he got close, some of [them] pushed him out because he was dependent upon someone giving him access. Our nation was built in such a way that 'I don't want to pin it up on just one person dangling a carrot in front of you, hoping that they will give you access.' Jesus told that man: 'Your faith has made you whole. Pick up your bed and go.'" (Related: Pastor Leon Benjamin and Ohio lawyer Tom Renz talk about fear and faith amid the pandemic – Brighteon.TV.)

Jones warns of a false-flag cyberattack

Adams also talked with InfoWars founder Alex Jones. The conservative personality lauded Brighteon.TV for its role as a "trailblazer when it comes to free speech." Jones said: "We're in this crazy time where they're doing terraforming to suck the carbon dioxide out of the planet, [alongside] evidence coming out [of] how the so-called vaccine changes our DNA [and] actually turns off DNA where we get cancer. We're living in such an amazing time and it's just wild." The InfoWars founder, however, added that what people are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. "They're planning a major cyberattack that they'll then blame on liberty groups or patriots as an excuse to claim 'Oh, that's why the supply chain broke down. That's why the dollar was devalued.' The elites try to scare everybody so bad [that] everybody accepts this New World idea. They're definitely trying to implode the old system that they set up as parasitic, and jump us on to a new even more oppressive system. (Related: Cyber-attack forces top U.S. fuel pipeline to shutter its entire network… are globalists behind the sabotage?) "We're in the endgame right now. It could happen in a month, in six months – but people are so awake because of all the millions of great voices out there that are speaking out against it. It's not going well for them and so they're not running the tables on us. "But in a way, it's paradoxical – that makes them only accelerate their plan that much more. The more they get behind, the more trouble they're in so that they're going to probably go ahead and execute these plans. Because at a certain point, once they've triggered this, they can't put it back in the box. "Evil is not the most powerful thing in the universe. In fact, it's a joke. Many others [have] said the only way that evil men and tyrants flourish [is when] good men and women do nothing. If you pull back from this – [you will see] they've got a plan and they think they're taking over, they're [going to] do all these horrible things. "If we lay down and are demoralized, then they can carry it out. But if we resist and speak out and say no, and build alternative systems, their system is going to fall apart. This won't be their takeover, this will be their destruction." The Health Ranger told Jones: "If you don't mind me saying, I think God is using you in a way to teach people how to fight – whether or not that's a conscious decision on your part. You know, God uses each of us in different ways." Jones agreed with Adams, saying that God is definitely using everyone for a higher purpose. "What InfoWars has been through has absolutely been a great beta test for everybody else because what's been done to me [has] obviously [been also] done to you. [We] were among the first to get censored, but now they're doing it to everybody," he said. "This is an issue of courage. It's an issue of knowing how horrible things are going to be if we let them win and succeed. So I do this out of pure self preservation, and wanting to stand up against these bullies. They're already coming after everybody. All we can do is fight it, we don't have a choice." Watch the full Nov. 23 episode of the "Health Ranger Report" below. Tune in to the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 pm on Brighteon.TV. has more articles about Americans waking up to the truth and returning to God amid the pandemic. Sources include: